Any other upgrade suggestions that are just assraping expensive?
Expensive, you say?
Get a real haste item, and replace that crafted with Cobalt
And upgrading the rings to Velium wouldn't be hard (my roommate has a 250 JC) but I can't justify the cost for 2 more AC and 20 more HP....
*EDIT* Aw fuck... I saw that I forgot the n't in the last sentence. You fuckers. [ 07-11-2002: Message edited by: RPC ]
ACES! Another post by RPC:
Ok smartasses, I said i DID NOT want ass rape expensive suggestions.
Well damn, I didn't read that!
ACES! Another post by RPC:
And upgrading the rings to Velium wouldn't be hard (my roommate has a 250 JC) but I can't justify the cost for 2 more AC and 20 more HP....
Well, considering the amount of times I've survived with 20 HPs, I'd say yeah. Though I'm a monk, not a warrior.
I'm looking for honest suggestions. The Crafted Arms and Legs are getting old as are the Boots. I have Mith Arms and Legs, but the AC on thoes sucks ass.
I've got a pair of Dragon Arms on my Shaman that will get moved over as soon as I can get a decent replacement for them....
RPC was naked while typing this:
Ok smartasses, I said i DID NOT want ass rape expensive suggestions.
Move to Prexus and you'll be able to afford them.
Maradön² had this to say about Duck Tales:
Move to Prexus and you'll be able to afford them.
If you're able to get them before the 1000 other twinks of each class.
Tier the Genius had this to say about dark elf butts:
If you're able to get them before the 1000 other twinks of each class.
That's not the point though.
This one time, at Ferret camp:
Replacing the bracers should be you main objective, I'd say. I'd go for a Hero bracer and a bracer of scavenging. Replace the earring with orc fang, the shoulders with either crested spaulders or crafted, and go do the cougarskin mask quest in Iceclad.
Serp bracers? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Get some damned AC!
And the 20hp from upgraded rings adds up. I get 455hp directly from my gear. You're a warrior, you get 110hp from your gear? Pathetic. Get some decent HP gear. [ 07-11-2002: Message edited by: Densetsu ]
Head: Skull Shaped Barbute - 100-150p
Face: Fine Plate Visor - 50pp maybe
Bracers: Crafted or Fine Plate - 50pp on FP, 150 on crafted
Shoulders: Fine Plate Pauldrons or Crested Spaulders - 100pp on FP, 50-100 on Crested
Earrings - Orc Fang Earrings - 50pp each
For weapons, waddle your fat ogre butt up to Maiden's Eye and get a Goranga Spiked Club in for your primary (it's free, just shout that you're looking to loot one) and use the Centi SS in the offhand.
How.... JooJooFlop.... uughhhhhh:
For weapons, waddle your fat ogre butt up to Maiden's Eye and get a Goranga Spiked Club in for your primary (it's free, just shout that you're looking to loot one)
I didn't know it worked that way. I'm headed to Maiden's Eye now.
Have they fixed the BS with Ogres and plate helms? Last time I put on a SSB it kept interfering with my vision... damned helm showed up in my face.
I get exactly 110 HP from the Rings. No other gear gives me HP. I'm still in n00b gear for christ's sake...
And unless it's giving me an ASSLOAD of ac, I'm not taking any piece of armor that doesn't have stats. Raw AC went out the door with Befallen.
Goranga Club is a 24 Delay isn't it? Not worth replacing really... I want something quick in primary, heavy hitting in secondary.
God he needs work too... Shitty AC... No HP... I feel like a freak.
RPC spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Goranga Club is a 24 Delay isn't it? Not worth replacing really... I want something quick in primary, heavy hitting in secondary.
The club is 12/23 5ac 2str 2.5wt. The fact that it's FREE should be enough reason to get one.
JooJooFlop wrote this stupid crap:
The club is 12/23 5ac 2str 2.5wt. The fact that it's FREE should be enough reason to get one.
Eh... It would be nice to have, but I don't think I'm going to camp the zone and be a vulture to get one. It's 0.1 seconds faster... woo.
Besides, goranga clubs drop fairly often when there are a 2-3 groups killing gorangas.
Although I'd kill to ditch my Mith Staff for a Velium Brawl Stick again.
So git yer ass to researching all the gear you want to buy! Go to eqprices and put an estimate of what you want, then lower/raise the price according to your server
RPC's fortune cookie read:
That's just it, given that I have the Centi SS in my main hand and it's only 1 delay slower I'd get better results going with a better offhand such as a Centi LS or Centi Warhammer....
Well, 2 delay slower. Centi SS is 12/25, Goranga is 12/23. And if you get the club the Centi SS goes in the offhand. The Centi SS has a slightly better ratio than the Centi Warhammer, thus better for the offhand.
Not only is getting the club going to result in a superior combo of weapons, it will cost you no money.
But if you want to spend the money for an inferior setup, that's your business.
And again, I'm going to be doing more damage with Centi SS/Warhammer than I will with Goranga Club/Centi SS combo. Now a Goranga Club/Centi LS might be a better solution...
JooJooFlop had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Well, 2 delay slower. Centi SS is 12/25, Goranga is 12/23. And if you get the club the Centi SS goes in the offhand. The Centi SS has a slightly better ratio than the Centi Warhammer, thus better for the offhand.Not only is getting the club going to result in a superior combo of weapons, it will cost you no money.
But if you want to spend the money for an inferior setup, that's your business.
That's going to be my weapon setup by the end of the night.
Waste not, want not.
Besides, it's nice to hit for 32 with a cleric.
Verily, RPC doth proclaim:
I could have a Swiftblade of Zek if I wanted to beg enough for it.I'm not going to do that.
And again, I'm going to be doing more damage with Centi SS/Warhammer than I will with Goranga Club/Centi SS combo. Now a Goranga Club/Centi LS might be a better solution...
Goranga/Centi SS = better ratio weapons, lower delay mainhander, lower delay overall for more taunt.
How is Centi SS/Centi Hammer better?
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Enforcer Za'Yth said:
Goranga/Centi SS = better ratio weapons, lower delay mainhander, lower delay overall for more taunt.How is Centi SS/Centi Hammer better?
Still have speed in primary and I have high damage in my off hand.
According to what you're saying, my Centi SS/CoT combo should generate more aggro and kill things faster than my Centi SS/Sap of Piety (13/36) does, however the Centi SS/SoP was whooping the ass off of shit last night in DL and KC much faster than the Centi SS/CoT.
+hp and sta should be large factors.
But, that'd require PATIENCE!
Besides, I wanna know what I should be looking for...
Thanks for the link though.
So quoth Cetona:
So reynar, a 60 wizard and 60 warrior will mitigate damage the same, since its only based on level?
No, in the case that you're talking about, the Wizard's AC caps out on effectiveness at about 800 AC (my roommate self buffs to over 1k currently and can prove there's almost 0 bonus over other casters who are in the 800/850 range). The Warrior caps out between 1300 and 1400 from what's said (with Paladins and SK's capping at around 1250 to 1300). I've seen a level 60 warrior MT stuff with 0 armor equipped and the healers don't have to alter much to keep him alive.
[ 07-12-2002: Message edited by: The Black Mage... ]