Anyone else have the necessary components to play halo online? (Xbox, Halo, router and a cable connection or something similar)
Its quite fun, and pretty damn lag free.
I got to play system link once when I went to texas. Me and Bajah and 2 others were on a team (gah, i forget) and then there were 4 others. It was friggin fun. We played a game of CTF which turned into Capture the Vehicles. hehe
Falaanla Marr stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
wish we had lan parties around hereI got to play system link once when I went to texas. Me and Bajah and 2 others were on a team (gah, i forget) and then there were 4 others. It was friggin fun. We played a game of CTF which turned into Capture the Vehicles. hehe
It can be kind of frustrating at times because my Dad enforces a 30 years of age or older rule so that my brother and I can't play. Normally when we do though it's just us winning because some of the people are just uh, not amazingly talented at FPS games. A good capture the flag game can be really fun though, especially on Blood Gulch (my favorite map).