I decided to rely on air power most of the game, sending in ground troops after the initial strike.
The last guy left was dug in deep, Cannons all around his base and his Air Force was admiriable. I also learned the benefits of making reavers and arbitors this game ^_^
My teammate broke through his cannon defense with his reavers and I went to work on his air force with 10 carriers (8 interceptors each and 3 full squadrons of fighters. Needless to say, he didn't last long after that, and we took the win.
I also got the highest total score out of everyone, so...BONUS!
Oh yeah, if you want too look at the game here it is. http://ryuujin.angelcities.com/bestgame.rep
Not even 60 supply after that long? Wow, heh
I'll have to watch it after I get back
Yellow wasn't too bad, he knew how to make units, and were he smart, would have cleaned Teal out easily
White as god awful, people like that downright insult terran
The horrors or $$$
I would have loved to have been white in that game, all those cannons were amusing
Gotta give him credit, he got off a couple hilarious nukes
UMS has some neat things still
unless they are cheaters
which they always are
I knew I wouldn't be any good on the ground so I concentrated on air, so I had to make lots of drones to harvest, etc.
Ryuujin the Leezard obviously shouldn't have said:
Anyone got any advice for me? =/
Yes, try and die with grace