You know who you are, here, this is for you:
THAT'S RIGHT! I'm not gunna stop! For a full month! It's pay back time, pooky! Your ass in MINE and HOO BOY, it's gunna be sore!
No humour disclaimer. This is war. I'm pulling out all the stops! WAR BABY! WAR! BONG!
Now, go on with your lives people.
And also, new sig pic, for the war. Guess who it is! He's from WWII.
Ozimander J. Griswald was listening to Cher while typing:
Is, sometimes, the best feeling in the world. Ever. Ah sweet revenge.You know who you are, here, this is for you:
THAT'S RIGHT! I'm not gunna stop! For a full month! It's pay back time, pooky! Your ass in MINE and HOO BOY, it's gunna be sore!
No humour disclaimer. This is war. I'm pulling out all the stops! WAR BABY! WAR! BONG!
Now, go on with your lives people.
That's why I love PMS at times.
Grabs her grenade launcher
Ozimander J. Griswald painfully thought these words up:
I don't understand what you said D, but I shall say this: I'M IN NEED OF SOLDIERS FOR MY WAR!And also, new sig pic, for the war. Guess who it is! He's from WWII.
Ozimander J. Griswald had this to say about John Romero:
Okay, got Mog as cannon fodder
HEY, i prefer the term "human wall", not cannon fodder
How.... Adrecia.... uughhhhhh:
What shall my job be?
Of course, you have no know what I want in return for my services too.
Archers Roxxors!
vertue had this to say about the Spice Girls:
If you need a Merc, I'm for Hire. If you can pay me enough, that is.![]()
Of course, you have no know what I want in return for my services too.
You'll be my personal guard and I can pay you in american money, DINGS!, gallons of milk or sexual favors (not preformed by me, of course)
Ozimander J. Griswald stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Ryu, your right, it is MacArthur, and hence you get to drive the Imperial Kickass Tank of DOOM which is sorta like a Panzer, only with cool decals, flashing lights, and a large air pressure bomb to detonate incase things go bad. Should effect a 50 foot radius...not sure if it works outdoors though..Ozius
drives off running over newbies and causing general mayhem
ROFOLOL~!!1 I 0wn j00 n3wb1e!
Ooo! Oooo! Pick me! Pick me!!
Ozimander J. Griswald had this to say about cuba
You'll be my personal guard and I can pay you in american money, DINGS!, gallons of milk or sexual favors (not preformed by me, of course)
Ok, lets see. Ten thousand a week, and 30 Gallons of Milk a week(Whole milk, none of that 1 or 2% crap). Or, you could give me five thousand a week, and have extremely Beautiful women give me wonderful Massages (full body of course ) daily.
Or both, if you want.
What'dya say?
Or you
Archers Roxxors!
[ 04-21-2002: Message edited by: Adrecia ]
Daemon_Reaper had this to say about Captain Planet:
*bounces up and down*what can i be huh? huh?
Air Force. Transport of troops, survelience photos, bombing and groceries.
Sucks on his pipe and looks his army over, wearing those sunglasses, his floppy conical wizard's hat, and his robes decorated with medals from combat, including a purple heart and a pin that shows a pig dressed like a cop, with text underneath that reads: 'How's your PORK?'
Ryuujin's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Rolls on by laughing maniacally chasing a platoon of Al QaedaHAHAHAHA! RUN NEWBIES RUN!
Those aren't the enemy but I'm still trying to get everything together, so enjoy the tank!
*CRACKLE* Lazzay, I got a platoon of Charlies comin' your way, think your up for a little test of that new shipment of C4?, over.*CRACKLE*
Promotion. You also get to use the Force. Just not against people on our side, please. And don't Force Push people into holes, it's just not...who am I kidding, go ahead and Force Push 'em.
And you get your own little attack droid named 'Fordee Threex' but I like to call him 'Pooky'
Ozius [ 04-21-2002: Message edited by: Ozimander J. Griswald ]
"Kooooohhhh, Listen, my lord, we must, kooooooohhhhh, begin our, koooohhhhh, planning if, koooooohhhhhh, we are, koooooohhhhhh, to be, kooooooohhhhhhh, on schedual. Kooooohhhhh." [ 04-21-2002: Message edited by: Elethi ]
Elethi wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Elethi breathes through a little paper bag."Kooooohhhh, Listen, my lord, we must, kooooooohhhhh, begin our, koooohhhhh, planning if, koooooohhhhhh, we are, koooooohhhhhh, to be, kooooooohhhhhhh, on schedual. Kooooohhhhh."
Puts on a hat like the Imperial Commanders ware and paces, puffing at his pipe Yes, I am well aware of this Lord Vad...erm...I mean...Lord Elethi. I merely await the young recruit to run my droid manufactoring line, after which my army will amass and we may being strategic planing. My plans are falling into yourself to a drink. I have coffee, tea, Pepsi, Coke...juice, just no wine, I just had my chamber cleaned..
Ozius, I've coem to offer you the assistance of the pixies. We are small, but we are quick, winged, and hard to spot, and usually once you spot us we've gone in another direction. We have formidable magical might and control a wealth of magical artifacts that might be of use to you. We offer our services willingly... we must all band together for this common cause. But we have one demand that must be met before the might of the winged folk will be added to yours...
[ 04-21-2002: Message edited by: Solstyce ]
/pulls out Composite bow and begins to polish exploding arrowheads
/Pulls out sniper Rifle and begins to clean the barrel
/Pulls out 2 laser-sighted Uzzies and checks the lazers to make sure that they are working properly.
/Pulls out Double-bladed dagger and begins to sharpen it, and then makes sure that the bloodleter is working properly, and that it is well poisoned.
/hides all deadly uber weapens in cloak and straps a double-barreled Shotgun with exploding shells and a Great scottish Claymore to back for intimidation reasons.
/puts on sun glasses and assumes a sadistic grin that is sure to strike fear in the hearts of enemies, making them quiver in their boots.
Well, I'm ready.
Archers Roxxors!
We were all impressed when Ozimander J. Griswald wrote:
Puts on a hat like the Imperial Commanders ware and paces, puffing at his pipe Yes, I am well aware of this Lord Vad...erm...I mean...Lord Elethi. I merely await the young recruit to run my droid manufactoring line, after which my army will amass and we may being strategic planing. My plans are falling into yourself to a drink. I have coffee, tea, Pepsi, Coke...juice, just no wine, I just had my chamber cleaned..Ozius
"A nice iced, koooohhhh, tea would be, koooohhh, just swell thanks! Koooohhhh, who is this, koooohhhh, young recruit that, koooohhh, you are trusting, koooohhhh, our plan too? Koooohhh...."
How.... Solstyce.... uughhhhhh:
*a pixie buzzes in, dressed in a deep purple uniform, with her hair tied up and her arms held behind her back. A rapier faintly glows at her side, and her green eyes are flashing*Ozius, I've coem to offer you the assistance of the pixies. We are small, but we are quick, winged, and hard to spot, and usually once you spot us we've gone in another direction. We have formidable magical might and control a wealth of magical artifacts that might be of use to you. We offer our services willingly... we must all band together for this common cause. But we have one demand that must be met before the might of the winged folk will be added to yours...
Ozimander puffs at his pipe and removes the sunglasses, as to look the pixie right in the eyes
I find your offer...intreguing to say the least. we would very much like for you to be allied with us, and do go on: What is it that you require?