Rob Cthulhu! He hosted last year's company barbecue! Great guy, that Cthulhu! Master with the spatula!
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Despite popular belief, Cthulhu is not one of the Great Old Ones but is more of an Elder God. Cthulhu rests in R'lyeh, waiting for the day when his followers will amass and wait for the island to rise that carries R'lye, bringing for Cthulhu, his greatness once more upon the world to rule us intended and to scribe the sign of the Elder Gods so as to invoke their power and summon them back from all corners of the universe.
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming"
Apple sauce, bitch.
Ozius [ 04-19-2002: Message edited by: Ozimander J. Griswald ]
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael probably says this to all the girls:
Maybe through...you?
or a toilet..
And yes, much of the games we have today are based on the pantheon of gods and lesser god Lovecraft created. Like Doom. Yog Soggoth was the end boss. And I never knew Prachett based it on those things, although I see the resembelence between them and Lovecraft's gods.
i am unclutrued and Ozi maeks me feel sadf b/c i m not as kewl as he
i cry~
mog had this to say about (_|_):
wait, i thout he was that thing in mexico that went around eating sheep
Nah, that's the Goatsucker. I don't remember his "real" name, the rest of us Dragons just call him "Bob".
What, didn't you know that Dragons can get high by doing that? Yep, ol' Bob's a stoner.
mog obviously shouldn't have said:
wait, i thout he was that thing in mexico that went around eating sheep
That's a chuba... chewbraco... chubeecodriake... er... urm... that mexican monster that eat goats at night.
Freschel Spindrift had this to say about Tron:
That's a chuba... chewbraco... chubeecodriake... er... urm... that mexican monster that eat goats at night.
Le Chubacarbra
Mr. Duck's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Le Chubacarbra
That's it, thanks.
Mr. Duck got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
or a toilet..
No, that's Munchies
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.
Songs that Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.
Song of my soul, my voice is dead,
Die though, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.
From: The King in Yellow
Cassilda's song, Act 1, Scene 2
English Translation, 1895 AD
We were all impressed when Mr. Duck wrote:
Le Chubacarbra
For all your cryptozoologic needs,
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
And Parc: Oh how you mock me...
One thing I always wanted to try were the "Cthulhupunk" ideas from the GURPS system. Cyberpunk meets Cthulhu. Always struck me as being interesting in a Giger-esque "Aliens" sort of way. But much much more disturbing.
But then what do you expect with a Cthulhu bumper sticker? (It looks like one of those JESUS fish, except it has clawed feet, tentacles, an angry eye, and it says "CTHULHU" inside it).
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
And yea, I want to run a CoC in modern day times but I think the 'cyberpunk' might ruin the game. Just my opinion. I really haven't thought much of it.
And yes, I've seen, and love, that bumper sticker.
Take a modern game and you can tinker with conspiracies, or you can try running a sort of "underground of experts" deal.
Cyberpunk is sort of a mix between the two. You have the Powers That Be in the world, right? Governments, corporations, etc. But you also have the shadow world where chromed-out thrillkillers and shineboys run through the shadows between the Powers. In a Cthulhupunk setting, the shadows just go deeper. The Powers That Be might have sinister connections to the Powers That Should Never Be. Imagine the sensation of a Cthulhian's tentacles slithering between the unfeeling metallic bones of your cyberarm as bit by bit the technology is corrupted. Imagine what sort of sinister back door you've given the Elder Things into your mind and soul by using fallible inorganic technology to skew your view of reality.
It's all horror. It's just different horror.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
It's our Brain-free... Philosophy...
Cthulhu Matata!
Cthulhu for President! Why choose the lesser evil?
1920's is immersely enjoyable, and the entire feel over a game session is alot more "God damn, what's gonna happen NOW?" than say, a D&D session.
Za'Yth had this to say about Robocop:
CoC is one helluva fun RPG, much more than you think when you first glance at it.1920's is immersely enjoyable, and the entire feel over a game session is alot more "God damn, what's gonna happen NOW?" than say, a D&D session.
YES! Insanely so (ironic?). We had a car chase, and I had 70% in driving, so it was two Model T's roaring down this dirt road from a graveyard toward Arkham with gun fire from this little weasly bastard, Evrum (what a little shit!) as we head for the police station, having one member of the party horribly wounded.
In the 1920's. It was very enjoyable.
Funniest death I ever had in CoC was when I got it in my head to set up a home-made gasoline bomb to take out some fishy-men. I go about rigging it up and the storyteller says "Hey do you have any demolitions knowledge?" I said no. Boom. BUT! I wasn't dead! I ran around screaming trying to put the fire out and got out of the blaze just in time to get hit by another player driving through trying to get away from the fishy men.
<Storyteller> "There's a flaming humanoid figure coming out of the mine!"
<My Buddy> "HA! Alex must've succeeded! I ram him full speed!"
<Storyteller> Alex you see headlamps shine as a car tears around the bend at you.
<Me> Whew! saved!
<Storyteller> Car isn't stopping.
<Me> Mommy! *THUD*
So I'd survived insanity...I'd survived getting rended in two by the fish men...I survived my firebomb...only to get dead by my own side. [ 04-20-2002: Message edited by: Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael ]
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
We were playing CoC one day and the story was a such: We were breaking and entering the 'Reader's Club' house because we know they have something to do with the digging up up dead bodies and other cult things. We got to the basement of the house and they came home. And locked up in a small room, with dead bodies at the end of the basement. Why didn't they try and kill us? They had other ways. Just needed to wait. I had been badly shot, and down to 3 HP and Professor Wellington was badly wounded from a prior gun-fight and the other guy, whose name I forgot lost so much sanity in a day, he developed a problem: fear of the dark. He started burning everything. Books, papers, ink, his own clothing, etc. I tried to batter the door down with a fire poker (RPing purposes) and Prof. Wellington had developed multiple personality problems. Eventually, he gets up and breaks the door down (he's big and heafty). We get out, the Prof. shoots and kills one of the readers club. The Prof. takes the mans colt and I get the prof.'s Derringer. We try to leave but stumble onto the Reader's Club preforming some rite, which is sorta like opening the gate for spirits and things in the Dream World (Remember reading the Dream Cycle?) and so, the Prof. fires at them. As do I, but too close to the Prof. ear and he suffers some minor ear damage, but not permenant damage. My shot his Evrum, their leader and Prof. shot hits Evrum too. Evrum picks up a lead pipe and throws it but misses and accidently opens a gase main. Prof. Wellington tries to shoot the open gas main but has trobule due to the ringing in his ears. The rest of us run. Unfortunatly, Evrum survives and unwilling members of the Reader's Club die. They weren't bad people. They hated Evrum infact. Oops. So Evrum, using a spell (this is abridged version. There is a decent and real reason as to why this happens) makes his hand fill with puss and explode, sending puss everywhere and in the hands palce are tentacles. Oooh! Evrum tries to kill the Prof. but misses and kills the other person with us, who happened to be an Opium addict. Good ridence! Vagrant...Anyhow, the Prof. kills Evrum and we run out as the basement is bursting into flames. Ta-da. The moral of the story:
Play in the 1920's because then you can call someone a 'Bullshivic' without sounding silly.
This insanity brought to you by Za'Yth:
"God damn, what's gonna happen NOW?" than say, a D&D session.
Hmmm, not always.
I'd like to think I cause a lot of the "God damn, whats gonna happen NOW?!" mentality in my world. in fact I like to twist it so much that, whether they like it or not, the characters in my world are the CAUSE of it all. Usually against thier will, or unknown to them, but still.
Aleria is not a nice place, Aleria is not a friendly place. Aleria has no bunnies of which to speak. Okay, so manybe it has bunnies somewhere, but they are almost definitely the kind that bite your head off, and tear out your innards for brunch.... Even if they are cute.
[ 04-20-2002: Message edited by: Isis Pandoria ]
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
From the book of Random Insanity Generator, chapter 3, verse 16:
hehe... He's a bloated Illithid with Wings....
Actually, no. He is huge. His size is higher then any building man will ever create. He has the wings of a demon, the body of a man, and the head of a squid. No picture of him does justice. He is almighty, and his physical form is beyond human comprehension. Just to gaze a moment at his massive form, his hideous body is to gaze into the face of madness. Almost instantly, unless you are lucky, you'd go insane. Visions of terror, horror, beastial things that you, nor the laws of physics can understand or control will begin to dance right before you, but the visions will not stop. You will claw our your cornias and collapse to the ground, cluthing at parts of your body, pulling your hair, digging deep into your empty eye sockets as hideous beasts, Deep Ones, Ghouls, things you will never, in your life, understand, nor will any of us. Foam will start to appear around your mouth and you'll begin to seizure, yet the vision of ALMIGHTY CTHULHU will remain in the final moments of your slow, lingering death via madness. If your (un)lucky enough to not go mad, then he will eat you, simpily enough. And a mouth that big, as you plumit in, having been dropped by a tentacle, you will see the hideous teeth, and saliva, and nasty gnashing boyd parts coming towards you rather quickly.
Or you might just live in fear for the rest of your life, forever looking away from shadows and other simple things. You'll live in your room, clutching to your bedsheets in fear that something is coming to get you. To finish off what you started.
That, is Cthulhu.
Yes, I know you meant it as a joke, and I understand that, but I was bored, so I wrote the above. Stuff happens.
This insanity brought to you by Isis Pandoria:
You scare me, Oz.
Rumor is he uses an entire forest to make toilet paper! For one wipe! ONE!