And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Adrecia was all like:
getting a decent pen
I've seen an artist use gel pins for inking before, with great results. The larger areas he did with some of those markers that can get you stoned, but the small stuff was all fine line gel pen.
My advice: Rushing = hell. Do not rush. Do not even think of rushing. Go very very slowly.
For pens, In school one of my buddies used to use those Pilot precise rolling ball pens, the kid drew thing that look like they came right out of a comic book. I use the same type for some of my models, other than that get a radiograph. Or could try calligraphy/archiving pen, they sell them in wall mark for a few bucks in by the crafts section, usually by the X-acto knifes.
This insanity brought to you by Adrecia:
The lines are blotchy and uneven. And a decent pen would mean something that doesn't have its ink "suddenly fade away" for a bit then come back.I have to retrace areas like 2-3 times.
Do you use no bleed paper?
Palador ChibiDragon had this to say about Captain Planet:
I've seen an artist use anal gel penis
this is fun
This one time, at Pyscho_Pike camp:
Find a nice comfortable spot to sit in when doing your work. And a Nice Seat too. I found when doing my models, especially the Panel lines which I do with pen, is if I am in an uncomfortable position or spot I mess up and my hands shake a lot more.For pens, In school one of my buddies used to use those Pilot precise rolling ball pens, the kid drew thing that look like they came right out of a comic book. I use the same type for some of my models, other than that get a radiograph. Or could try calligraphy/archiving pen, they sell them in wall mark for a few bucks in by the crafts section, usually by the X-acto knifes.
I don't really like inking the panel lines on my models. Gives them too much of a cartoony look. Some places on certain models are good to detail like that, of course, but doing the whole model takes away from it, in my opinion. [ 04-18-2002: Message edited by: Densetsu ]
Palador ChibiDragon stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Define "decent".I've seen an artist use gel pins for inking before, with great results. The larger areas he did with some of those markers that can get you stoned, but the small stuff was all fine line gel pen.
yes, gel pens work
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Densetsu thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
I don't really like inking the panel lines on my models. Gives them too much of a cartoony look. Some places on certain models are good to detail like that, of course, but doing the whole model takes away from it, in my opinion.
Depends on how thick and how much ink you put on the lines. Some of them ,like the little Turn X I have, the lines really thick becuse I want it to look like a cartoon. But on the wing zero I have put on thin lines that I wiped away, makes them faded and just enough to make them stand out a wee bit. Most of the time a pen is easier to do than a Black wash, I guess it depends on how weathered you wish it to look. [ 04-19-2002: Message edited by: Pyscho_Pike ]