Not talking about spiders or height or water or something, something that could actually kill your or maim you or at least really hurt... but really silly ones, like pens or playing cards or something like that. Ones with a story behind 'em .
Tell 'em here, and if there IS a story behind them, those too!
For me: the goddamned phone. I hate and fear when anyone I haven't talked to in a while phones me. I fear when someone I do not know phones me. There are about two people I'm in any way comfortable talking on the phone with; everyone else makes me freak out.
Et vous?
Solstyce said this about your mom:
So what are yours?Not talking about spiders or height or water or something, something that could actually kill your or maim you or at least really hurt... but really silly ones, like pens or playing cards or something like that. Ones with a story behind 'em
Tell 'em here, and if there IS a story behind them, those too!
For me: the goddamned phone. I hate and fear when anyone I haven't talked to in a while phones me. I fear when someone I do not know phones me. There are about two people I'm in any way comfortable talking on the phone with; everyone else makes me freak out.
Et vous?
Same: If someone I havnt talked to in a long long tme calls, and they ask for Stephen, I say 'We shot him.' Then hang up.
Any dolls.
Reason: When I was younger (4-5) my sister convinced me to do the old "Bloody Marry" trick with the mirrors, ya know, at 12:00 midnight go into a bathroom, with all the lights off and chant "Bloody Mary" like a gazillion times and something is supposed to happen. Well, I was and my sister popped through the door and yelled BOO. Scared the SHIT outta me. So, from then on mirrors spooked me out big time. heh...
This one time, at The Otaku Penguin camp:
I'm afraid of mirrors, kinda gotten over it thoughReason: When I was younger (4-5) my sister convinced me to do the old "Bloody Marry" trick with the mirrors, ya know, at 12:00 midnight go into a bathroom, with all the lights off and chant "Bloody Mary" like a gazillion times and something is supposed to happen. Well, I was and my sister popped through the door and yelled BOO. Scared the SHIT outta me. So, from then on mirrors spooked me out big time. heh...
My brother used to turn off the lights of the bathroom and lock me in there, shouting bloody mary while I cried
The thing is, he said Mickey Mouse was in the bathroom so I went in there to look for him. Damn I was so innocent when I was a kid
I read a book when I was around 14 or so. I stole it from my parents room. It was about this guy that was semi-retarded that escaped from prison and he kidnapped and sodomized this kid. He killed a bunch of people in front of the kid too. He only wore overalls. No shirt, no underwear. So now when I see a man in overalls I flip out.
But anyway.
I'm absolutly TERRFIED of bees...wasps, hornets, honey bees, ANY bees...if I see one in the house or something I literally yell and run to my room and lock the door like its gonna open it...
Less but still afraid of spiders....Bees and spiders = scared me...I've never been stung or anything is odd....I'm just afraid of both like no tomorrow.
Silly ones I don't trust you people to hear. [ 03-31-2002: Message edited by: Nammy the Namtar ]
Closest I'll come to truly silly fear is that my EQ account will get canncelled and my GM event veil will be gone.
Solstyce had this to say about John Romero:
For me: the goddamned phone. I hate and fear when anyone I haven't talked to in a while phones me. I fear when someone I do not know phones me. There are about two people I'm in any way comfortable talking on the phone with; everyone else makes me freak out.
Very similiar, just the other way round.
I hate calling someone, especially someone I do not know.
Kloie had this to say about Captain Planet:
I'm afraid of Nem-x, too.
I think we all are.
I'm not sure what is in there that I'm afraid of, but I sure don't want to find out.
I'm totally serious. I don't know why, but I am actually, still, afraid of clowns. I really don't remember any incident to make it happen, but that's how it is.
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
I'm afraid of becoming agoraphobic.
Everytime I walk outside, I begin to fear all the possible ways to die: car accidents, freak nature accidents, other people's stupidity. Anywhere you go, anything you do, there is some way of being involved in something that could get you killed.
I make myself go outside, and drive, and do regular 'life' things because I have to; it's the only way to actually live (which I find to be wonderfully ironic).
But, I'm afraid that one day I just won't be able to make myself go outside, that I won't be able to force myself to crank the car and drive off. If it happens once, If I lose it just once, I could be stuck in my house for the rest of my life.
Gotta love it.
Anyway, interesting... I can't think of any strange fears right now.
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Kloie's account was hax0red to write:
Oh! I'm also afraid of those heroin chic girls. You know the ones that are so skinny that you're afraid they're going to fall apart? I mean, like, slender girls are cool, but the ones that are so skinny that they aren't even an A cup just scare me senseless.
You mean the ones that dont cast a shadow? I know one of em...A light breeze could sweep her away. [ 03-31-2002: Message edited by: Tegadil ]
It doesn't help that I have a ghost chill spot in my room...
frolicking imp had this to say about (_|_):
im afriad of walking own the sidewalk and a car spining out of control and hitting me while im just minding my buisness on the side walk. thats why i walk in the street!
The only reason that would happen if a ninja was driving and you threw a sprok at him so he would flip out.
Mortious had this to say about dark elf butts:
As a kid, I used to be deathly afraid of Xenomorphs. I imagined them crawling out of the attic at night, standing over me, and just.... breathing.
And Gremlins. I was fucking terrified of gremlins.
Not the shitty cars, the little furball-turned-reptile-mothafuckers from 80s movies.
Closed doors!! I'm scared to walk by closed doors... I'm always afraid they'll open suddenly, and smack me in the face.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Weird, eh?
Elethi attempted to be funny by writing:
Looking down onto something slanted. I don't really know why, but it terrifies me. I can go up 40 stories in a building, look down, and be fine. If there's a slanted building, or ground thats diagonal or anything like that below me, I freak out, and I start breathing rapidly and ugh.Weird, eh?
sounds like you have a fear of sliding
It freaks me out SO much when the front or back door(s) are open in our house, ESPECIALLY during the summer, in the evening, when it's overcast and kinda chilly.
It's just hearing the wind chimes, and it getting darker and everything that makes me think of a Tornado. So whenever one of those doors is open, I just freak. Scares the shit outta me.
Isis Pandoria wrote this stupid crap:
Aliens/UFO's... You know, silly stuff like that. I once stayed up all night to watch a show on TV about extraterrestial beings, and I got so scared, I was shaking and ended up burying myself under the covers of my bed 5 minutes into the program.
Nuclear attacks. When I was a kid, about seven, I saw ONE scene in one of the Terminator movies, can't remember which... a nuclear bomb went off and basically blew the fuck out of people in a playground and the thought of that made me unable to sleep for months afterwards. i was CONVINCED I was going to die from a nuke.
The upstairs hallway at night. If you lived in my house you'd be scared of it too. AND I DO NOT KNOW WHY.
Sometimes, when I've just read an intense bit of fantasy or played a game or something I get convinced that monsters or horrors from the game or book or whatever are lurking in my house and going to kill me.
Solstyce got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
Nuclear attacks. When I was a kid, about seven, I saw ONE scene in one of the Terminator movies, can't remember which... a nuclear bomb went off and basically blew the fuck out of people in a playground and the thought of that made me unable to sleep for months afterwards. i was CONVINCED I was going to die from a nuke.
Terminator 2. Sarah Conner's dream sequence of the possible 1997.
G'ah... Thread bring back memories...
What people think of me. I'm trying to get over this one, but sometimes it still gets to me. Kind of a "social phobia" thing.
Going to sleep undressed. I can't sleep unless I have enough clothes on that I could jump out of bed and run outside without feeling indecent. Mind you, that's not the same as warm. I just need a t-shirt and shorts on.
Random people. For some reason, some people just scare the piss out of me. Not because of what they look like or what they do, it's just random and rare.
The Otaku Penguin stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
It's just hearing the wind chimes, and it getting darker and everything that makes me think of a Tornado. So whenever one of those doors is open, I just freak. Scares the shit outta me.
That's not baseless. That's just a side effect of living here in Co Bluffs.
Tegadil's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
The only reason that would happen if a ninja was driving and you threw a sprok at him so he would flip out.
And dark hallways or stair cases. I pass through them as fast as I can, caause I feel like there is a PRESENCE behind me...
Weird, I know.
Elvish Crack Piper impressed everyone with:
sounds like you have a fear of sliding
Standing on something doesn't make me afraid or anything. Its when I'm way above the slanted ground that gets me. When I'm way above normal ground, it doesn't bother me. Diagonal ground kills me, heh.