I've been using Family Tree Maker and genealogy.com to trace my family.
I've read the entire Shapechanger saga by Jennifer Roberson.
Took up Georging again ( http://www.wheresgeorge.com )
And now back to playing EverQuest. You can expect lame jokes, ranting about monks (I'm trying to offically become the monks' Maradon) and making my usual commentary about general topics and EQ later. Right now I'm going to play EQ again, working on my dragon faction in Great Divide as well as trying to get into the minimum level range for raids (essentially 46 or so.)
Troodon wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
(I'm trying to offically become the monks' Maradon)
This is bad mojo.
(I'm trying to offically become the monks' Maradon)
Great! I look forward to reading the hate-filled posts directed towards you, kicking you when you're down, and of course, using the entire situation to make humorous satires of your pitiful whining.
We'll enjoy working with each other
And about the Maradon thing, I think he meant just he'll tend to whine about monks, that's it. There can only be ONE Maradon.
ugh, spilled OJ all over my keyboard. Time for it to go in the washer again
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Suchii was all like:
How do you feel about your newfound fame?
I think my contribution to the net vernacular reflect my feelings on the matter quite accurately.
Think about what karnaj means. Then, all will become clear.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Troodon stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
(I'm trying to offically become the monks' Maradon)
That would simply cause you to be banned very quickly, I think. There is no tolerance for 'whining' here after him. And it would be an exercise in futility as most people here don't even play EverQuest anymore, most of which who do aren't as high level as you, and the ones who are higher than you won't care about your pointless whining because they know better.
Though not that I'd mind. You've already proven yourself to be nothing but another baseless whiner who cannot even form a good argument, which is why you can never be the "Monks' Maradon". He could take absolutely nothing and turn it into an argument that would make sense to people who already didn't know better.
Troodon had this to say about Robocop:
(I'm trying to offically become the monks' Maradon)
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
That would simply cause you to be banned very quickly, I think. There is no tolerance for 'whining' here after him. And it would be an exercise in futility as most people here don't even play EverQuest anymore, most of which who do aren't as high level as you, and the ones who are higher than you won't care about your pointless whining because they know better.Though not that I'd mind. You've already proven yourself to be nothing but another baseless whiner who cannot even form a good argument, which is why you can never be the "Monks' Maradon". He could take absolutely nothing and turn it into an argument that would make sense to people who already didn't know better.
If whining on this board was enough to get banned, there'd only be like 5 members left! I'm far from the only person who ever whines this board, and I'm not even in the top ten among the people that whine the most.
As to my stated aspiration to be the monks' Maradon, this has nothing to do with me wanted to be known for whining as it is for my desire to remembered whenver aspects of monks are discussed, the same way Maradon is thought of when necros are. I probably never will be, but oh well, my life doesn't revolve around this board or EQ.
Despite your opinions, I can form good arguments... as has been demonstrated by the fact that people bother to argue with me. It doesn't matter if people agree or disagree with my statements... the fact is people find them of enough worth to bother responding. If people truly thought they were totally baseless, they wouldn't even bother to respond.
As long as I'm not ignored, I don't care too much what people think of me.
On another topic you mentioned, I think it's just SAD that people who play EQ are a minority of the posters on this board. This board is primarily designed as commentary on Evercrest, which is itself a comic based on Ever Quest. If you don't play EQ, why are you even here?! No offense to those who don't play EQ, but you really shouldn't be posting on a board derived from it, in my opinion. There are plenty of message boards out there that have nothing to do with EQ that are more suited for you. This board has drifted too far away from its original purpose, to discuss EQ and the Evercrest comic.
Anyway, as of writing this message, 12 people responded to my post about coming back. Which proves to me that people are at least aware of my existence. Whatever else people think of me, at least I'm not being completely ignored!
Not going to bother arguing with anything else in this post, I want to save my argument skills, such as they are, for something I care enough about to argue with.
Thanks for noticing me, everyone!
Troodon wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
look i can type big o words to!
Everquest is one word, not two
No offense to those who don't play EQ, but you really shouldn't be posting on a board derived from it, in my opinion. There are plenty of message boards out there that have nothing to do with EQ that are more suited for you.
first and foremost
the message board was created for people to talk with each other. If EQ just happens to be one of those subjects, then so be it. not every damn thread has to be about EQ. If you don't like how people don't post about EQ 24/7 here. then i give you two words: Leave now [ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: Mr. Duck ]
Troodon had this to say about Robocop:
On another topic you mentioned, I think it's just SAD that people who play EQ are a minority of the posters on this board. This board is primarily designed as commentary on Evercrest, which is itself a comic based on Ever Quest. If you don't play EQ, why are you even here?! No offense to those who don't play EQ, but you really shouldn't be posting on a board derived from it, in my opinion. There are plenty of message boards out there that have nothing to do with EQ that are more suited for you. This board has drifted too far away from its original purpose, to discuss EQ and the Evercrest comic.
I rarely flame or insult. But this struck a nerve and I am breaking character as a teddy bear to say the following:
How DARE you suggest that you know better than Drysart how this board should operate? How dare you tell the folks who post here that they don't belong because they don't fit in to your vision of how this board should go? I know you were responding to a flame, but get off your damn high horse.
Drysart created a community, and part of that community has decided to stop playing EQ. Drysart is cool with that. Live with that decision, or go away.
But don't tell me and hundreds of others who are a part of this community how to post, or when to post, or what this board means.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Troodon stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Drysart recently said the new comics will be more DAoC orientated since he plays that instead of EverQuest nowdays.
kk bye now thx!
Troodon had this to say about Punky Brewster:
If whining on this board was enough to get banned, there'd only be like 5 members left! I'm far from the only person who ever whines this board, and I'm not even in the top ten among the people that whine the most.
Survey says: Wrong!
Despite your opinions, I can form good arguments... as has been demonstrated by the fact that people bother to argue with me. It doesn't matter if people agree or disagree with my statements... the fact is people find them of enough worth to bother responding. If people truly thought they were totally baseless, they wouldn't even bother to respond.
See last response.
As long as I'm not ignored, I don't care too much what people think of me.
Hello Mr Banstick! He met the last person who said that.
On another topic you mentioned, I think it's just SAD that people who play EQ are a minority of the posters on this board. This board is primarily designed as commentary on Evercrest, which is itself a comic based on Ever Quest. If you don't play EQ, why are you even here?! No offense to those who don't play EQ, but you really shouldn't be posting on a board derived from it, in my opinion. There are plenty of message boards out there that have nothing to do with EQ that are more suited for you. This board has drifted too far away from its original purpose, to discuss EQ and the Evercrest comic.
Take a look at Mr Duck's picture kthx~
Not going to bother arguing with anything else in this post, I want to save my argument skills, such as they are, for something I care enough about to argue with.
Much like your monk skills, they are sorely lacking and painfully stupid.
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
And it would be an exercise in futility as most people here don't even play EverQuest anymore.
Heh. Don't even have an EQ account, never did, never will.
Troodon shouts 'Let the ranger pull' [ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: Za'Yth ]
There are 32 players in Temple of Veeshan
Shortly thereafter...
There are 2 players in Temple of Veeshan
People argue with you because that is the nature of these boards. We discuss, joke around, fight, and so on. Learn to accept this fact. As for your arguing abilities? Frankly, you've been owned in every attempt you've made to argue with the higher level EQ Players here as far as I can remember. We argue with you because you are a dumbass, and there for, fun to argue with. Basically... we laugh at you. We respond to things that entertain us. Arguing with dumbasses is one of those things.
Now... as for the minority playing EQ here. It isnt SAD.. this is a board about a comic strip. The comic strip may be about EQ, but none-the-less.. EverCrest != EverQuest. Plus, this community has evolved past EQ into other games and also RL stuff. We are *GASP!* friends here, dumbass. I'm sure this is a foriegn concept to you and all, but you'll figure it out one day. I say this board suits every person that posts here. Each person has a role... Your role is "Dumbass". The boards original purpose was to entertain people, but you obvious cant see that. I mean.. OFCOURSE comic strips dont entertain people and people dont entertain other people. You are just under the impression because there is a guy that plays a High Elf Wizard that made this place it MUST be about EQ. No.. it is a place about a comic strip and about some people that hang out with one another, and in some cases because real good friends..... dumbass.
As for your "I'm getting the last word in" statement there. HA I say to that. Your arguement skills are poor because you dont even want anyone to respond to you. Arguements require conversation back and forth... NOT one way. Do you see my point, dumbass?
Suchii had this to say about Duck Tales:
And Pesco gets the award for using the word 'dumbass' seven times in his post
Good point. I thought you posted again to put up your pwned smiley.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Pesco wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Each person has a role.
What's mine?
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about dark elf butts:
What's mine?
Russian.. pimp.. thing.. guy?
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about Optimus Prime:
What's mine?
Local Ostrich. With a beard.
We were all impressed when Gydyon Waterlapper wrote:
Good point. I thought you posted again to put up your pwned smiley.
Nah, I pretty much ran that thing into the ground yesterday It is retired.
Suchii had this to say about Tron:
Nah, I pretty much ran that thing into the ground yesterdayIt is retired.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
We were all impressed when Comrade_Snoota wrote:
What's mine?
Dude... You're Snoota... 'nuff said
Za'Yth stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Troodon as raid leader:Troodon shouts 'Let the ranger pull'
There are 32 players in Temple of Veeshan
Shortly thereafter...
There are 2 players in Temple of Veeshan
I have never once suggested that a ranger should pull, nor would I ever do so!
I know the basics of surviving a raid, but I never claimed to know how to orchestrate and command a raid. Even when I'm 60, I doubt I'll ever be a raid leader. I've always thought of myself as a back seat driver. I'll make small suggestions, but will leave the driving to the ones who konw the area better.
My guild's raids have rarely used monks as pullers. I think it's more because of a shortage of appropriate level monks rather than a raid strategy. Out of necessity, we've learned how to pull with non-monks. Which is good. Better to know how to pull without a monk, and be better off when a monk is available to pull, than to only know how to pull with monks, and being decimated when a non-monk who doesn't know how to pull depsite his limitations is the primary puller.
Non-monk pullers are forced to become more skillful to overcome their lack of the pulling skills monks have. Warriors who can single pull are very valuable.
Heck, rangers can pull, but I wouldn't recommend it. It's not the besat use of their skills.
I'd recommend pullers in this order:
1. Monks (only if they know the zone well. A two-monk team is very useful on a raid!)
2. Warriors
3. Bards or Shadowknights
Dpeneding on the zone, you'd might want to switch 2 or 3. Maybe even leave SKs out.
Most of the raids are guild has run or participated in have been warrior-pulled. Although they would have used monks I'm sure, if they were available. But they have adapted to the lack of that luxury quite sucessfully.
P.S. I'd never do a ToV raid with just 32 people either... I may not be an expert, but even I know better than that! Although I suppose it depends on the levels and experience of the players as to how many you'd want to bring along.
Check out the big brain on Pesco!
Dude... You're Snoota... 'nuff saidEVERY BOARD NEEDS A SNOOTA!
That sounds suspiciously like a, 'Fuck, I don't know!' response. [ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: Comrade_Snoota ]
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about Optimus Prime:
That sounds suspiciously like a, 'Fuck, I don't know!' response.
OMG U SUX SNOOTA. [ 03-07-2002: Message edited by: D ]
Batutisz wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Check out the big brain on Troodon!
More annoying crap
Comrade_Snoota had this to say about Punky Brewster:
That sounds suspiciously like a, 'Fuck, I don't know!' response.
"Look at me! I are smrt, cuz peeple argu wit me!"
--Satan, quoted by John Milton