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Anyway, that confirms what I needed. Pretty open-ended for a DM.
Tier had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Of the Three Dead Brothers, only Bane was resurrected, right?
So far.
It's not over
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael was all like:
Bane only rose because he'd left a seed of himself in his son Xvim
Maradön? had this to say about pies:
im with ya there.
Cyric ran off with elements of all their portfolios, Bane's got the most important element of his back...Myrkul lost all of his to Cyric and Kelemvor
Kelemvor is a god who's rapidly gaining popularity as the new God of Death in Faerun, largely because he and his fledgling clergy have gone to extreme lengths to do good PR on Kelemvor (who teaches that Death shouldn't be feared or surrounded by secrets, destroying the old Castle of Bone and creating a Crystal Palace so that everything is clear to people about Death).
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
For instance, Helios (in Greco-Roman mythology) was the god of the sun, but Apollo was the god of light. Depending on the source, either one of them could've been the one driving the chariot of the sun.
Anyways, the Portfolio is what they're the deity of. Different racial religions generally have different gods for different things. For instance, Correlon Larethian is the Elven god of magic (also the chief god), but on Faerun Mystra is the big high muckety-muck when it comes to magic, along with her two sidekicks.
So a portfolio is what aspects of your target race's existence that you hold dominion over.
Bane is Strife, Hatred, Tyrrany, Fear.
Cyric is Murder, lies, intrigue, deception, and illusion.
Kelemvor is Death and the Dead.
Used to be Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul. One person was the god of Death and Murder, which is why the god of Death was so terrifying. For those who don't know, but are interested, there was the so-called "Time of Troubles" (also called the Godswar) a while back. Basically the god of the gods, Lord AO, decided that the vast majority of the Faerunian gods had become so mixed up in their petty squabbles that they had lost touch with their mortal followers.
So AO forced all gods, good and evil, chaotic and lawful, to manifest in the realm of mortals in Avatar form, with one exception (who had, as the god of paladins, etc, been extremely faithful because it was his duty yadda yadda). Several gods were outright killed, and their portfolios taken over by other gods.
Amongst them were Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul, the so-called "Three Brothers" who had themselves inherited the portfolios from earlier gods (as recounted in the assorted books you find in BG2, and in a few gaming supplements). Anyways, in the chaos following their apparent deaths, several mortals were made gods ascendant by AO. A woman became the new Mystra (goddess of Magic and maintainer of the Weave), a warrior named Kelemvor became the new god of Death, and a twit named Cyric ended up turning into all the assorted underhanded and evil things made god. After that happened, a half-god-half-greater demon called something like Iyachtu Xvim comes along, and says he is Bane's son and rightful heir. He starts usurping some of Cyric's power, and collects a few of his father's old portfolios. Xvim thought he was an entity unto himself, and declared (more or less) war on Cyric for taking some of Bane's portfolios. Recently, it was revealed that Xvim was a cover for Bane, who had planted the essence of his being in his son as a way to cheat death. It worked. He re-ascended, and the Xvimlar church was converted in full back to the worship of Bane in a matter of days.
Bane retook his place as the main bad guy out there, took back the portfolio elements Cyric had stolen from him, and took the unclaimed portfolio of Fear under his vanguard. Bane is back, nasty bastard that he is.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
I'll probably get a link to something obvious here, but eh...