*is to angry for words*
You talk about humans as if you weren't one. [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: Maradön? ]
Aanile had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Humans are really starting to get arrogant*is to angry for words*
Um... starting? hehe, we're WAAAAAAAY past starting to get arrogant
But why are tigers more important than cows or pigs?
After all, if he breeds them as lifestock he prevents extinction.
[ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: Tarquinn ]
Disclaimer: It's late(and I can't spell), it's not my intention to offend anyone.
Majox had this to say about Duck Tales:
How is this any worse then cows or pigs?
It's really not. In fact, it's better than cows and pigs because a black market in pork and beef doesn't illegally kill off hundreds of cows and pigs annually.
I imagine the only reason people object is because tigers are "cute" and cows and pigs are generally percieved as "ugly".
And no I don't think of cows and pigs as dumb life stock for our own consumption. Hell pigs are smarter then most dogs.
I do thank them for giving up their life so I could eat. (ok laugh... fine... but you guys asked for it)
Majox had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Why are you against killing predatory animals?
Because cows don't fight back.
lol I did to at one point... but then I relized.. I don't have the room
and no.. cows ain't ugly either.. =P
I'M WEIRD OK I don't have that "It's a smelly ugly animal so that's why it's ok to slaughter them" mentality that alot of people have...
Tigers are predators by nature. Breeding them to eat them just seems...to go against nature. I mean, could you imagine a cow stalking a gazelle and attacking it?
On an off-hand note, I think it's kinda hypocritical to call humans arrogant, then refer to yourself as though you were apart from them.
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
could you imagine a cow stalking a gazelle and attacking it?
An amusing mental movie.
Tarquinn wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Because cows don't fight back.
Viva le revomootion!
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Jimmy Carter:On an off-hand note, I think it's kinda hypocritical to call humans arrogant, then refer to yourself as though you were apart from them.
Some times people do things that kinda makes me ashame to be one. But.. I am one. I live with it. if you think that's arrogant, sorry, it's more being angry.
We've lost balance... *sighs*
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Duck Tales:
I mean, could you imagine a cow stalking a gazelle and attacking it?
And, the way I see it, as a societal race we've transcended the scope of common food chains. It's the same way with communal apes and ants. Alone they're bottom feeders but together they take down giants.
Also there's the whole "sentience" thing that we've got going. It's my belief that as non-sentient beings, animals exist for no other purpose than those we would subject them to, and I've yet to see a solid argument to the contrary.
Don't take that the wrong way, I believe animals have intrinsic value, I just don't believe thier value or potential even approaches that of a free-thinking human.
Aanile had this to say about Pirotess:
Some times people do things that kinda makes me ashame to be one. But.. I am one. I live with it. if you think that's arrogant, sorry, it's more being angry.We've lost balance... *sighs*
I can't remember ever being proud to be human...
Edit: You people post too fast. [ 02-20-2002: Message edited by: Majox ]
Ragabash had this to say about Tron:
I can't remember ever being proud to be human...
Perhaps you're not terribly skilled at being one. No offense intended.
Ragabash had this to say about John Romero:
I can't remember ever being proud to be human...
Maybe not proud, but terribly glad!
Tarquinn had this to say about Captain Planet:
Maybe not proud, but terribly glad!
I won't argue with that, heh.
Majox had this to say about pies:
I like being human.
Ranch Dressing
Hot Showers
Ginger Ale
Sneezing (OK other animals do it, but its still fun)
Playing in a refridgerator box
Hot Chocolate
Other Stuff
Breed tigers as livestock. Intersperse that population with zoo stock. Release the resulting zoo stock into the wild. Keeps the genetic diversity and keeps the numbers up and it provides larger numbers in the wild.
At the same time, it's killing the market for poachers. It's the same general idea as legalization of alcohol during prohibition. You don't have the insane black market if you can get the product cheaper and more safely legally.
And it's fine to hate the human race. Just don't think that hating the human race is going to change anything. We're the dominant sentient life form on the planet. You have to find solutions that work with humanity rather than cast an accusing finger.
And in regards to this...how badly do you want to save the tigers? And how much time do they as a species have left for you to decide?
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
We've domesticated the dog.... We've turned pigs, cows, horses, chickens, hell even emus into livestock. This ism't much different except that we're moving up the food chain. We've gone from the use (and abuse) of feeders in the chain to use and abuse of the consumers.
Facts are Facts. Some species are going to die out in our lifetime. It agonizes me to admit it, but the giant panda is on its way out. At this point if someone decided to breed a large number of pandas and their required food to sustain the species, I'd say yes, even if part of that base were being used for food. When you're facing extinction, it's every man for themself.
You either fanatically love an animal or don't love it at all if you won't make that choice. The idea of letting a creature die out because you won't help them, even if helping them has an economically feasible price tag attached is stupid.
You might change the world. You might save the environment and find ways to house people without encroaching on animal territory. But will you do it in time? Or are you sending another animal race to the big extinction list in the sky because you wouldn't bend a little to buy time?
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me