Added high quality ore vendors to Bazaar, Kaladim, and Qeynos that sell a limited supply of HQ Ore
What the heck does "limited" mean?
Every other race can buy small or large bricks of their cultural ore... are they planning to have the merchants only have five of each in stock, or what?
Fixed some of the pathing issues in Maiden's Eye
Fixed a bug with the clipping plane in outdoor Luclin zones
Added content in the Umbral Planes to make it more... entertaining
Woohoo =)
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Reynar had this to say about Captain Planet:
Fixed a bug with the clipping plane in outdoor Luclin zones
Thank god. That was annoying as all hell. I can't count the times I've suddenly found my clip plane drawn in so close that I can barely see past my nose.
Modrakien had this to say about Pirotess:
This whole thing about spawn times after a patch is bloody annoying, every guild will need three accounts worth of ranger mules now.
They did that because Legacy of Steel is a bunch of whiney bitches.
[ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: Niklas ]
Reynar wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
They did that because Legacy of Steel is a bunch of whiney bitches.
LoS had a point there, but this is not the solution. Currently, at least on our server, you have all the high-end guilds pick their targets before a patch, camp there, and kill whatever they want the most, then move on. Now, you'll have people rushing to the first mob that goes up. Considering we have three or four Guilds competing for Tormax/ST Dragons on european time alone, I agree that we shouldn't getting all the spawns, but couldn't they have made it 2 randomly determined 'spawn waves'? 50% of the mobs spawn after Patch, the other 6 hours afterwards, and the order is reversed every patch, so you'd still know in advance what would be up and what wouldn't.
- Pets no longer pace. Pets will now, when close to you, STOP.
*bursts into tears of joy*
Modrakien wrote this stupid crap:
LoS had a point there, but this is not the solution. Currently, at least on our server, you have all the high-end guilds pick their targets before a patch, camp there, and kill whatever they want the most, then move on. Now, you'll have people rushing to the first mob that goes up. Considering we have three or four Guilds competing for Tormax/ST Dragons on european time alone, I agree that we shouldn't getting all the spawns, but couldn't they have made it 2 randomly determined 'spawn waves'? 50% of the mobs spawn after Patch, the other 6 hours afterwards, and the order is reversed every patch, so you'd still know in advance what would be up and what wouldn't.
Now when the first mob spawns, it will be a massive race with KSing / petitioning and flaming.
Yah, nice solution heh...
Maradön? had this to say about Robocop:
I...i...i...i...*bursts into tears of joy*
I thought you didn't play EQ anymore? Why would this please you if you don't?
Delphi had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
One thing that pisses me off: They ONCE AGAIN forgot to fix Thunder of Karana. YES, it needed to be nerfed, but making it do NOTHING for 75 mana is a bit much, you assmunches!
Um.. last I checked it worked....
It is a Mana Sieve now.. no longer a silence.
Pesco had this to say about Cuba:
Um.. last I checked it worked....It is a Mana Sieve now.. no longer a silence.
I didnt know rangers could cast it.
If it was a mana sieve, I couldnt cast it on myself. I can.
If it was a mana sieve, I could cast it on someone else and see my mana go up. It doesnt.
Sorry, This just makes me really angry. I bought the spell for 100plat, and now it does nothing. Dont mean to be rude. Just a pet peeve.
Mana Sieve != Mana Siphon
Thank You, Drive Through
Pesco had this to say about Tron:
You're stupid...Mana Sieve != Mana Siphon
Thank You, Drive Through
Come back when you can actually cast the damned spell Pesco. I've tested it. IT DOES NOTHING. I dont give a crap what spdat parsers say, it does NOTHING.
Delphi had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Come back when you can actually cast the damned spell Pesco. I've tested it. IT DOES NOTHING. I dont give a crap what spdat parsers say, it does NOTHING.
I think it removes 106 mana from the mob over twenty seconds, or something like that.
I got my copy of Thundernerf of Karana for free- someone remembered me from eqtraders.com and gave me the spell for my all-around spiffyness.
I don't think this is going to be the final form of it.. it does seem to be pretty useless.
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Duck Tales:
I think it removes 106 mana from the mob over twenty seconds, or something like that.I got my copy of Thundernerf of Karana for free- someone remembered me from eqtraders.com and gave me the spell for my all-around spiffyness.
I don't think this is going to be the final form of it.. it does seem to be pretty useless.
I'd be happy if it was just a clone of Holy Might or something. Stuns = gud
Delphi had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I'd be happy if it was just a clone of Holy Might or something. Stuns = gud
I'd rather it was turned into a Jolt-type spell... seems the new slay undead crits are generating a lot of aggro, I read.
Or maybe an undead snare... that would be useful. [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: Mightion Defensor ]
YES! I got in....
3 people in Greater Faydark.
Woo, go me. This is great...
So, I'm walking around...and I go to type /who, and I notice that my guild tag says.... <Unknown Guild>
.....You have GOT to be kidding me.
Two seconds later...
<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!
<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!
<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!
Verant, /rude.
Should've said something, but I've said it enough
By the way my words were faded
Rather waste some time with you...
Isis Pandoria had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
About an hour ago....../enter
YES! I got in....3 people in Greater Faydark.
Woo, go me. This is great...
So, I'm walking around...and I go to type /who, and I notice that my guild tag says.... <Unknown Guild>
.....You have GOT to be kidding me.
Two seconds later...<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!
<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!
<SYSTEM_WIDE_MESSAGE02>: All Worlds coming down in 5 minutes! Camp now!!Verant, /rude.
GUILD TAG ISSUE AFTER PATCH: SERVERS BACK DOWNDue to an unknown issue, all guild tag's are appearing as 'Unknown Guild'. This is having the affect of removing people from their guilds upon login. Until this issue is resolved the servers have been locked and the chat server brought back down.
No ETA was given at the current time.
Saw that on Caster's Realm.
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Pirotess:
I thought you didn't play EQ anymore? Why would this please you if you don't?
I don't, it only pleases me hypothetically
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Maradön? was all like:
I don't, it only pleases me hypothetically
* stands transfixed, his brain stopped and the smell of burnt clutch lining coming out of his ears
Delphi had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Mara plays EQ, he just doesnt want to admit it because that'd violate his whines about it.![]()
A feasible explanation. Otherwise I doubt he'd be weeping in joy.
Admit it, Maradon. You still play EQ.
Delphi had this to say about (_|_):
Mara plays EQ, he just doesnt want to admit it because that'd violate his whines about it.
How would it violate them, Delphi?
Mightion Defensor had this to say about Tron:
A feasible explanation. Otherwise I doubt he'd be weeping in joy.Admit it, Maradon. You still play EQ.
Hell, I was kinda surprised at the changes. Pacing pets drive me INSANE. And I'm not even a pet class!
D had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
How would it violate them, Delphi?
He whines so much (And so well) about EQ that it'd go against his whines to play a game that he says has so many problems with it.
I'm gonna go out and buy Max Payne for the computer sometime this week.
Delphi had this to say about (_|_):
He whines so much (And so well) about EQ that it'd go against his whines to play a game that he says has so many problems with it.
Maradon has stated, several times if I recall correctly, that EQ itself is a great game. I think it is also.
Yet it has its flaws, and quite big ones. Maradon complains about the flaws, not the game.
/pet sit down and STFU!
Gonarer says, 'Changing position master.'
Tier had this to say about Duck Tales:
The 1-step solution to pacing pets:
/pet sit down
Goner looks at you blankly.
- NPC and PC corpses can now be /considered to find out how long until they decay, and PC corpses additionally tell you how long you have to resurrect them
- The timer for corpses is now seven days for any corpse over level five, whether the player is on-line or off-line or any combination of the two
This surprised the hell out of me. Guess it isnt futile to consider the dead anymore..
And the corpse thing is just kinda silly, and has changed for convenience. *shrugs*
Delphi thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Come back when you can actually cast the damned spell Pesco. I've tested it. IT DOES NOTHING. I dont give a crap what spdat parsers say, it does NOTHING.
Come back when you actually know what the damn spell does Delphi. Since you obviously dont. Mana Sieves are gud, bitch all you want, but the spell works.
Mightion Defensor had this to say about John Romero:
Every other race can buy small or large bricks of their cultural ore... are they planning to have the merchants only have five of each in stock, or what?
Halflings cannot, and they've been nerfed quite a few patches "by accident" (Great QA team they have there at Verant)
Level 60: The Discipline of Bestial Rage
umm... freaky..
Lashanna, didn't I say that should be the name of one of them just a week ago?
Tier had this to say about pies:
The 1-step solution to pacing pets:/pet sit down and STFU!
Gonarer says, 'Changing position master.'
Yah. And then I wander off, and forget that my lovely dirt golem is still sitting across the zone.
I'm VERY glad they did this. If it works, it will make it just a little safer to have a pet with you in a nasty area.