If anyone has one or knows anyone that has one for sale, please let me know.
JooJooFlop wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
I can offer up to 3650pp.If anyone has one or knows anyone that has one for sale, please let me know.
Doubt you'll get one for that price... lowest price I've ever seen one auctioned for on that server is like 4k. Average is more around 5 or 6k. But maybe you'll get lucky, prices have deflated some.
Ironically, it's not becuase there's better items than the FBSS that the price has come down... it's that there's haste items not quite as good, but easier to get, that people who can't afford the prices FBSS's go for want to buy instead. Meaning people who have an FBSS to sell are having a hard time finding people willing to pay the old prices anymore. The Flowing Red Silk Sash actually caused the FBSS's price to go down a bit.
Or you could just try to get one from the source... sure they're rare and hard to get, but heck, it's free if you go in to Guk and get one yourself.
Or just auction that you eant to buy one in GFay... eventually you'll find somebody willing to sell one.
I tell you what... buy one and give it to me, and we'll forget all about this horrible mess.
You can get an fbss for 3k np, just hang out in EC for a few(or wherever your server likes to sell).
When said necromancer was level 4, a fellow in FoB asked "Can you transfer some stuff?" and handed me about 60k worth of shit (runed bolster belt, among other things)
I didn't steal it.
Why am I mentioning this?
I'm probably bored.
Za'Yth had this to say:
When said necromancer was level 4, a fellow in FoB asked "Can you transfer some stuff?" and handed me about 60k worth of shit (runed bolster belt, among other things)I didn't steal it.
Neither would I. That kind of thing gets you a horrible reputation, and I want some raiding friends in the end game.
Mortious had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Neither would I. That kind of thing gets you a horrible reputation, and I want some raiding friends in the end game.
The point is though, my necromancer was two hours old
Too trusting fellow, really.
Hell, I probably wouldn't wear an FRSS over a Spider Fur Belt. At least the sporali gloves give 10%, the sash is just a mere 7%.
JooJooFlop had this to say about (_|_):
BTW, the FRSS didn't put a dent in the price of the FBSS. The average price I see on Sol Ro is 3-4k, so I figure I can get one for 3650.Hell, I probably wouldn't wear an FRSS over a Spider Fur Belt. At least the sporali gloves give 10%, the sash is just a mere 7%.
Yah, the flowing red is pretty crappy. Especially since there's plenty of decent cheap belt items to have instead.
Bad part about FBSS is giving up your belt slot.
I can sell my Sentient Gauntlets soon, too. Dem said he had a higher-AC set of gaunts for me.
Mortious had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Darn. Well, I didn't have 800pp anyway. Trying to scrape together 700pp for another 6AC 65HP ring.I can sell my Sentient Gauntlets soon, too. Dem said he had a higher-AC set of gaunts for me.
700? Jesus. On torv, those sell for 900 a pair.
I'm probably getting something mixed up, like I usually do. I have so many upgrades planned I have a hard time tracking them all.
The price has deflated some, if you consider a 50% fall "some"
Traded it for an Ishva robe and Runed Cowl. Not a bad trade.
3k for a FBSS would get you laughed right out of the zone quite frankly
It would be like someone selling a SSB for 150, it just doesn't happen
Heck, people have been selling SS of the Yak to the shady because even at 20pp no one buys them (Which is unusual for me, since I always see newbies wanting to buy newbie stuff, and a yak for 20pp is pretty damn nice, heh)
And I pay about 350 or so for 6/65 rings....
Troodon stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Ironically, it's not becuase there's better items than the FBSS that the price has come down... it's that there's haste items not quite as good, but easier to get, that people who can't afford the prices FBSS's go for want to buy instead. Meaning people who have an FBSS to sell are having a hard time finding people willing to pay the old prices anymore. The Flowing Red Silk Sash actually caused the FBSS's price to go down a bit.
Actually, I doubt the FRSS dented the prices of the FBSS much at all... Because the Haste is barely noticeable at ALL.
Also, there ARE much better items than FBSS. That Belt Slot can be very valuable. There are many belts with tons of AC, and Strength, Dex, Sta, Agi, HP, etc.
Lashanna wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
I'm going to disagree here and risk a flamer war, woot.
YUO AER WRONG!!!11!!@#
What did you say?
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
Mortious stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Last time I checked, it was 700pp for one, although 1kpp for a pair. Don't ask me why because I don't know.I'm probably getting something mixed up, like I usually do. I have so many upgrades planned I have a hard time tracking them all.
You have a master jewelsmith guild member who will make guildies jewelry for FREE as long as you provide the components. You know that, right?
Bajah wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
You have a master jewelsmith guild member who will make guildies jewelry for FREE as long as you provide the components. You know that, right?
You need to play more. And I've got a 2hb you may like.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and D was all like:
You need to play more. And I've got a 2hb you may like.
I was just online. And I'm goin to Hate tonight, too.
Porting up at 9pm eastern.
D stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
I'm also going to Hate tonight. Kickass.Porting up at 9pm eastern.
Interesting Same here.
... did you join IC or something?
Ah well, all the more reason to level.
Bajah thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
InterestingSame here.
... did you join IC or something?
IC? No.. Going up with GotCR. (Guardians of the Crystal Rose)
But I am looking for a new guild after this raid.
If you just want a guild with people you can mini-raid with when the mood strikes and just have fun, I'll definitely invite ya to FU.
D had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I just looked back over this thread, the amount of acronym and code speak is astonishing.
It's EQ, man!
Where's BM with that cool Hijack picture of guys sliding down ropes? That picture is old school.