You tend to prefer your computer to any console, and you seem to be on the sarcastic side, especially when compared to your Penny Arcade sidekick Gabe, but that's okay. Cause you do do most of the writing and HTML work around there, and even if you get overshadowed Gabes art sometimes, you know you're the REAL genius around there. Just watch out for radio active scorpions...
Piro's a freak. Seriously.
Forgot about the html/ubb thing. [ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Ocyrrhoe Trazere ]
Full sigpic image.
Liam - "Caitlin: You terrify me, but in a good way."
U R 1 L33T G4|\/|3R! U L0\/3 B33R. U H3LP \/\/1TH |\/|3G4T0KY0
And yes, it's accurate.
I know who she is, but I answered "No" to the Josh Lesnik question... odd...
[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: Arrenn Lightblade ]
You may not seem to be the smarter of the two guys at Penny Arcade, but your happy go-lucky ways and love of Pac-man will always give you the power to win at Super Smash Bros.
Check out the big brain on ImNotTrent!You seem to be a little depressed at times, and tend to be sarcastic, but all you really want is some love. You also seem to have trouble in believing in yourself despite how good everyone tells you you are, I mean come on, you're the artist of Megatokyo.
and Ken oddly thinks I am like him... =\ donno how MT never intrested me
And here I was hoping for Tatsuya Ishida. Damn...
nem-x had this to say about Optimus Prime:You seem to be a little depressed at times, and tend to be sarcastic, but all you really want is some love. You also seem to have trouble in believing in yourself despite how good everyone tells you you are, I mean come on, you're the artist of Megatokyo
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Lashanna was all like:
You seem to have a slight obsession with Josh Lesnik, but does that really matter? You're cute, happy, and hyper, and everyone seems to like you, and why not? You do Not Gonna Take It
I know who she is, but I answered "No" to the Josh Lesnik question... odd...
I wub Meredif!
You want to be famous cartoonist and probably have the abilities to do it to, but you're to damn scared to try. That's not entirely bad, cause people seem to like you and while some of you work does seemed to always get understood the way you would want it too, you still maintain a pretty decent popularity, and that's all that matters, right? Of course, but becareful, you are always going overboard with your art cause it's your favorite past time. In fact you do Fusion D, Sub-Culture, and Comicollage, as well as you used to do Shinkutokimekisempukaku. Man, you're one busy guy...
I feel guilty I don't read this guy's comic. Oh and my #2 was Scott Kurtz.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
[ 01-23-2002: Message edited by: De lid g am ond ]
EDIT: Funny, I clearly remember saying I like console games more the computer games
I was hoping for Mistress Laura.
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael impressed everyone with:You want to be famous cartoonist and probably have the abilities to do it to, but you're to damn scared to try. That's not entirely bad, cause people seem to like you and while some of you work does seemed to always get understood the way you would want it too, you still maintain a pretty decent popularity, and that's all that matters, right? Of course, but becareful, you are always going overboard with your art cause it's your favorite past time. In fact you do Fusion D, Sub-Culture, and Comicollage, as well as you used to do Shinkutokimekisempukaku. Man, you're one busy guy...
I feel guilty I don't read this guy's comic. Oh and my #2 was Scott Kurtz.
Interesting things of note:
Scott was 5th.
Gabe (#7) beat Largo (#9).
Greg Dean made the list (#8).
No sign of Jeff Darling (GPF Comics) or of Barry Smith (Angst Tech, and the creater of DanteI'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!)
Some people tend to think you're an asshole or a whiner, but all you really want to do is get your point across, and what's so wrong with wanting to be heard. Nothing, especially if you draw PVP
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums
I noticed a distinct lack of Drysart's name on that list. Then again, I didn't see a "Ever hack CNN's website" question either.
ImNotTrent had this to say about Optimus Prime:You seem to be a little depressed at times, and tend to be sarcastic, but all you really want is some love. You also seem to have trouble in believing in yourself despite how good everyone tells you you are, I mean come on, you're the artist of Megatokyo.
[ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Miandor ]
quote:You tend to prefer your computer to any console, and you seem to be on the sarcastic side, especially when compared to your Penny Arcade sidekick Gabe, but that's okay. Cause you do do most of the writing and HTML work around there, and even if you get overshadowed Gabes art sometimes, you know you're the REAL genius around there. Just watch out for radio active scorpions...
You maybe evil, but that doesn't stop you from being so damn likeable, or keep Yamcha Hibiki from writing you into Comicollage. You are very energetic and very creative. You originally did Sporkman, but now you show off your mad skills in Basil Flint.