here is the guidelines
It must suit who you are as a person perfectly
It cant be just "Whats cool" ATM
If I say it sux shut up and change it you pekker!
that is all
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Lawgiver Cadga was all like:
Everyone must choose ONE SIGPIC RIGHT NOW and stay ithere is the guidelines
It must suit who you are as a person perfectly
It cant be just "Whats cool" ATM
If I say it sux shut up and change it you pekker!that is all
Your sig pic suxx0rs!
Change it!
IM putting my foot down
...There goes the Camel Spider... poor little fella...
Reynar had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Your sig pic suxx0rs!
Change it!
too bad this isnt your thread you day old donut you
Lawgiver Cadga wrote this stupid crap:
too bad this isnt your thread you day old donut you
Mr. Duck had this to say about Duck Tales:
i change my sig pic too much
thats the purpose ofthis thread moronboy
to stop this constant state of "Oh this sigpic is cool ill change it so everyone will pay attention to me more now!"
Bajah had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
I APPROVE of Reynar's sig pic! He's got a tophat! That makes him "BAD ASS" in my book.
no your thread NYA NYA NYA!
Check out the big brain on Lawgiver Cadga!
no your thread NYA NYA NYA!
True, true. But I'm l33t and you can make an exception for me.
(If not, I'll change it back to the Joker soon anyways.)
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
You can bite my shiny, metal ass.
Lawgiver Cadga had this to say about pies:
Everyone must choose ONE SIGPIC RIGHT NOW and stay ithere is the guidelines
It must suit who you are as a person perfectly
It cant be just "Whats cool" ATM
If I say it sux shut up and change it you pekker!that is all
mine is perfect the way it is.. its gonna change colors for holidays and such though
JooJooFlop had this to say about (_|_):
Hmmmmm, I dunno, I'm not sure if I can pull off having the same sigpic for a long period of time...
Kloie had this to say about Cuba:
....bah.'ve actually been pretty good about sigpics recently, I remember when you changed it multiple times a day
Rabidbunnylover had this to say about John Romero:'ve actually been pretty good about sigpics recently, I remember when you changed it multiple times a day
Lawgiver Cadga had this to say about Cuba:
Everyone must choose ONE SIGPIC RIGHT NOW and stay ithere is the guidelines
It must suit who you are as a person perfectly
It cant be just "Whats cool" ATM
If I say it sux shut up and change it you pekker!that is all
Do you really think people change it just to look "cool" (okay, maybe a few do)?
Think of it this way:
Some company makes a fun online game. But they never remove bugs/test it/add stuff to make it more fun/change things. It's gonna get boring real fast. What i'm trying to say is, people change their sigpic (mostly) because using the same thing for years just gets BORING.
i am done here
approve or dissapprove monkah man, it's staying
*runs from the poo flinging*
Kolak had this to say about pies:
NO.Do you really think people change it just to look "cool" (okay, maybe a few do)?
Think of it this way:
Some company makes a fun online game. But they never remove bugs/test it/add stuff to make it more fun/change things. It's gonna get boring real fast. What i'm trying to say is, people change their sigpic (mostly) because using the same thing for years just gets BORING.
[/MiniRant]i am done here
Tarquinn had this to say about John Romero:
<---- Good?
You know, that bat is famous.(If not, I'll change it back to the Joker soon anyways.)
The Barcardi( have no idae how to spell it, its the booze)bat?
and how about my sigpick, does it meet your standards lawgiver cadga, I think it truly expresses my personality
Kolak had this to say about Duck Tales:
NO.Do you really think people change it just to look "cool" (okay, maybe a few do)?
Think of it this way:
Some company makes a fun online game. But they never remove bugs/test it/add stuff to make it more fun/change things. It's gonna get boring real fast. What i'm trying to say is, people change their sigpic (mostly) because using the same thing for years just gets BORING.
[/MiniRant]i am done here
someone needs decaff!
its called a joke you remember them right? I geuss not remind me for your Bday to buy you a sense of humor!
Lawgiver Cadga thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Everyone must choose ONE SIGPIC RIGHT NOW and stay it
That is the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Check out the big brain on Lenlalron!
Hmm... is it a penguin shaking off water like a dog or is it a picture of a human mage so horribly stretched that it looks like the penguin from Billy Madison? Hmmm...