You are demented! oooohhm Bonehead! Timeline me!Watch the tricks Drunken shtuff zzzzzz, MARIO! Holy cow! Dumbass MMMM, Brains! Pong, HAHA Mario gets his groove on Timeline me! Beware bad Karma Pygmy! Tourists base are belong to us WEEEEEEEE Fakespear The gnomes go marching... MEGA MAN! Mercs abound The cheapest arcade around! Mreowr? Fishies! Hungry hungry hippo! Woof Huggles! Don't eat the worm! ARG, Pong! Sparkly! Didn't your mom tell you not to play with lasers? ECvsMM...a deadly tale Crazy! whoa... The Gord Does it end? *drool* A geek's heaven *jumps for joy* Smile! You're on Evercrest EC, the truth uncovered! They're saints...and they're broken! hahaha You fookin flamer! Moria shmoria Bad sex? Leezard pron! Bunny...eeeeevil Bunny....not so eeeeeevil, but still pretty bad Damn my eyes! Unsung heroes. The real cost. Ever met an elf? Foxy! Yeeeowtch Gettin dirty What is war good for? Milk is good for you You can do it! Welcome to the real. Flinging gobs of sticky stuff is fun! I've got your smurf right here. Need salt? Necrolubin! Oh, de platform, Jya Jya How you feeling today? Arooooo YERF...hairball. Why Parce is sad PokeYOU I'd do that too. Other pictures My pictures Pokewhaaa? Willies chalk Rather something Timeline me! Move it! Ghostly Use em and lose em Bing bang boom, you lose!
ArchAngel stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
It's from Wings of Honneamise... that video is badass.
Actually it's Clip one of Memories, Magnetic Rose.
And who copied the clip I had on my web space and dumped it on a .edu site?
RPC had this to say about Cuba:
Actually it's Clip one of Memories, Magnetic Rose.And who copied the clip I had on my web space and dumped it on a .edu site?
Bah, figures I go out looking for it and find bad info.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and ArchAngel was all like:
Bah, figures I go out looking for it and find bad info.
It's a rare anime to begin with. Limited information and the fan subs are harder than hell to locate. I hope they bring them domestic soon. I have Magnetic Rose and Stinkbomb (clips 1 and 2) but Cannon Fodder eludes me.
Otku had this to say about dark elf butts:
I saw Wings of Honneamise, I didnt understand a second of it, other then the guy was in some space program thingy
Never watched WoH, but I'm sure with all the previews and such that I've seen I could recognize it if I did watch it....
[ 12-31-2001: Message edited by: Otku ]
Otku impressed everyone with:
WoH was quite... strange. Now I shall find Memories
Good luck.
I had to bribe the hell out of a guy at Con to give me a copy.
I need more drive space for next year. I barely got a THIRD of what he had and I know he'll have more this yea.=r.
RPC had this to say about pies:
Actually it's Clip one of Memories, Magnetic Rose.And who copied the clip I had on my web space and dumped it on a .edu site?
I plead the 5th. *attempts to look innocent*
Ragabash had this to say about dark elf butts:
I plead the 5th. *attempts to look innocent*
I see how this is.... hehehe