I am VERY impressed...
(2) Of course the Gnome models don't suck. If Gnomes sucked they'd be good for something.
(3) Anyone notice the fuckup in the High Elf pic?
(4) Is anyone else as excited about the potential new look for Neriak?
Random Insanity Generator stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
(3) Anyone notice the fuckup in the High Elf pic?
She's wielding the Jagged Blade of War Warrior Epic 2 Hand version
I can't wait for it!!!!
Random Insanity Generator had this to say about Reading Rainbow Pr0n:
(2) Of course the Gnome models don't suck. If Gnomes sucked they'd be good for something.
oh and dark elves are good for somthing ? large paperweights maby... after your skin em and eat the little meat they have
gnomes make better casters anyways
Since I'm not going to get SoL until at least Christmas, could someone take a screenshot of an iksar if they get it sooner? I know I'm not the only one who wants to know what the iksar are going to look like.
Troodon wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
So why are they still afraid to show us the new iksar models? During all the time they've been showing screenshots, there has not yet been one showing what iksar are going to look like. What are they hiding? Are they so screwed up they don't want us to know, or are they so good they want to suprise us? I can't stand the suspense!
They have already shown iksar... a good while ago actually.
And I'll give Verant credit for fixing the gnome model.
Troodon stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
So why are they still afraid to show us the new iksar models? During all the time they've been showing screenshots, there has not yet been one showing what iksar are going to look like. What are they hiding? Are they so screwed up they don't want us to know, or are they so good they want to suprise us? I can't stand the suspense!Since I'm not going to get SoL until at least Christmas, could someone take a screenshot of an iksar if they get it sooner? I know I'm not the only one who wants to know what the iksar are going to look like.
The Iksar is down a few shots... like nearish the bottom of the page
We were all impressed when Pesco wrote:
They have already shown iksar... a good while ago actually.
Ah, finally. Must have missed that one. Nice detail on the skin texture, but the shape of the head doesn't quite look right. Wonder what the female iksars look like? Haven't seen a shot of one, but maybe I just missed that one too. If anyone knows where this is one, post a link to it here.
The people look chunky because of the new layer-over-layer thing. You know how when you change armor in EQ now, it just changes the current skin? The new armors add another layer OVER the current one. The reason why they look fat, (I'm guessing) is because the belts are showing. And those are some bigass belts. (Looks like freaking WWF belts [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Black Wizard ] Example: http://www.eqloft.com/encyclopedie/luclin/images/luclin103.html )
Tier had this to say about Pirotess:
The high elf's Robe of the Elements sucks ass.
Yeah it does...
Josef thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
They went and made the Trolls and Ogres look more human-shaped. This ensures that I can never play EQ again. I liked my Ogress when she was wider than she was tall.
Check out the box art for the original EverQuest. That's the way they were originally intended.
Troodon had this to say about Captain Planet:
... but the shape of the head doesn't quite look right.
Josef had this to say about John Romero:
They went and made the Trolls and Ogres look more human-shaped. This ensures that I can never play EQ again. I liked my Ogress when she was wider than she was tall.
Ahh yes, when people try to tell someone how their creations are to look.
Reyolen had this to say about Optimus Prime:
The only ones I actually, truly think improved are the Gnome and the High Elf male. The rest aren't as good, in my opinion. Big V could have tried a bit harder.
Leopold, the Voice of Reason had this to say about Duck Tales:
Their breasts are too big....what?
I agree. They're balloons.
First Dragon had this to say about Punky Brewster:
If I hadnt quit EQ...
Read thread, Captain Obvious, save us from damnation!
1.) The hands are to big and stubby [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Fazumzen Fastfist ]
2.) Everyone's breasts are HUGE
3.) Everyone's hips are HUGE
4.) Everyone has the "horse face" effect that happens when people try to make eyeballs. A similar effect is achieved in the PS 2 version of Half-Life.
5.) Excuse me, but a chest plate doesn't stick out THAT FAR.
6.) That iksar looks fat!!
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
they need to nerf it a little
the Armors are actuly REAL life Armor!
yes, Belts SHOUD be over size like that (always a good idea to keep guts in ones belly)
i have a 1/2 elf male druid, Tank god i have wolf form!
my Barbarien female will look like a giant Babe, but i wonder about the plate, dint see the model in amror yet.
Ogres look more like they Shoud if you ask me, big ugly humains ... but i bet he can still swallow a dwarf in one shot.
Dwarf male are... some how... not right
Troll Look so much more Mytic ... a bit more funny.
i like to say that humain males look like thugs from a bar fight.
i like to say that, the most of the changed was done on females ...
but all in all, looks great, Soemthing new to look forward to =D
If you were wondering about the excessive cleavage on the recent female models, there's no worries. We've been working on it, and that much polygons might hog performance a bit too much.In any case, I've a surprise for you all. Indeed, cleavage size is going to be player-choosable. Values are ranging from A to C-cup, but we're hesitating implementing the Full-D size, due to aestethic, but mostly performance reasons.
Skaw had this to say about Duck Tales:
Ahh yes, when people try to tell someone how their creations are to look.
Nope. I said "I liked it when...", not "They ought to be...". What brought this on?
KaLourin DthBlayde had this to say about Pirotess:
I have but one question. Would we be as nit-picky and critical if these were the original models, with nothing to base them off of.. Especially if the "upgrades" were the current texture wrapped models?
I like all the new models.
The character art is now, ya know, art. ((Somebody said that in IRC)) [ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Kegwen Tabibito ]
Cept i think Trolls look really kick ass... But I agree with Josef its not the same if you cant block the bank in Kelethin and so on.
All in all, I can't WAIT for Luclin!!
and wtf?!?! they get to choose their boob size? please tell me this is a joke. what next, guys get to choose their package size? "We're currently going to allow for thimble to cucumber size, but are hesitant to allow 'hung like a donkey' due to aesthetic, and performance issues"