Anybody have any neat ideas for job/skill combinations?
You know, I've always been partial to using Knights with the Two Swords ability, and a Mathematician's skills as the optional skills to use.
I also like Ninjas with Dancer Skills...
Hmmm... Oh, yes, the Dragoon. I loooooooove Dragoons. Stick them with any skills, and they're just evil.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Zephyer was all like:
You aren't helping!
Well, the one ability I really loved was "Ignore Height", from the Lancer job class.
Weapons: Bows can make indirect fire shots. Gotta love that.
Magic: Summoning. Large areas of effect, and it can tell the difference between friend and foe.
Class: Monk. Able to do a low level heal/mana restore on themselves and others near them (if on level ground).
Those are the things I found to be the most use, not counting unique characters.
A monk. Every time. Named after me.
A Summoner with Math Skill. I remember the first time using Math Skill, in Dorter Trade City, when I cast Holy on every single character on the board, killing everyone including myself. Counterproductive, but fun!
Ramza's always a squire. His Guts skill is just too damn good, and he gets heavy armour and knight swords!
Mediator/Knight for Mimic Daravon (put'em to sleep, then have char 1 drop meteors on them), Gun + Break skill usage, and Threaten... 2 Threats usually will turn an enemy into a chicken.
Try using the crappy unique characters. Meaning not TGCid/Orlandu, not Beowulf, not Reis, not Agrias, not Mustadio. Try the Heaven/Hell knights, try Cloud, etc.
Try using some of the monsters. Tiamats are disgustingly powerful, and with Reis, they're pretty much invincible. A couple of her pet boosts and they'll deal 999 on each hit- Serpentarius went down in 3 hits from my Hydra. Use 'Monster Skill' and find some of the secret monster abilities.
And of course, if you haven't already, take whatever team you have and do the Deep Dungeon.
I had a great group my last game, Where I named everyone EC names. I had 4 Knights, One with Black Magic, One with White, One with Time, and One with Dance. Ramza was usually a Ninja with Sing, or a Ninja with Geomancy... That's obviously a crush group though,
The Monsters are fun, and having Knights charge into battle mounted on Chocobos is fun, .
Parties 1 class and 4 Mimes can be fun to,
2) The first time I played that game, as soon as I got the option for Dragoon class, all my team was dragoons...JUMP!
De lid g am ond had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
1) A summoner with calc skill is not as good as a black wizard with calc skill
A summoner with calc skill has all 5 kinds of magic.
Lateralus had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Anyone ever level up Cloud?
Lateralus thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Anyone ever level up Cloud?
Finish Touch kicks ass. Too bad he's stuck with that stupid Materia Blade.
Lateralus had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Anyone ever level up Cloud?
Yup. Got every single limit break. Cherry Blossom takes 3 entire turns to charge, and Short Charge doesn't affect it. But it's pretty to watch.
Finishing Touch is really the only one worth having for practical purposes, though.
Heaven/Hell Knights: Oh I -know- they suck, having Agrias or Orlandu or even Mustadio is more practical. But it's interesting to try and make them work- use their abilities on enemies that are in corners or against walls and the like, this eliminates some of the possible places that they'd miss.
In all honesty, at the time I played them, I was just on a silly mission to see every single spell graphic in the game.
Black Mage vs Summoner Calc: Summoner has more spells and thus can whip out a Summon if there aren't any good formulas at a given time to calculate, but Black Mage does a lot more damage with his calculated spells.
Hehe, I remember the last time I played I had that group ready by the end of chapter 1, heh, that fort battle was sooo easy with porting casters and sword chucking
BetaTested thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Could some one please post a list of the prerecs. for classes? I've never had a summoner beforeI just bought the game a few weeks ago too, haven't gotten it in my PSOne yet.
Lashanna had this to say about Robocop:
I had a great group my last game, Where I named everyone EC names.
Parties 1 class and 4 Mimes can be fun to,
Who were they?
1. Ramza-Hero Class(all jobs mastered)
[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Mr. Duck ]
Ramza, Squire
Black Magic
Blade Grasp
Two Swords
Move +3
Punch Art
Auto Potion
Two Swords
Move +3
Math Skill
Auto Potion
Magic AttackUP
Talk Skill
Auto Potion
Monster Talk
Move +1
Blade Grasp
Short Charge
Ignore Height