Now, the dilemma: The check will be for around $150 to $175. I'm going to get one of two things.
A new CD-ROM, my current is a pathetic Goldstar 8X Read only.
Or a new hard drive. Currently I have two, a three gig for C:\ and a two gig for D:\
The cd-rom would probably be around 20x15x10, and the hard drive would be either 30 or 40 gigs.
I'm also getting DAOC, regardless of which of those two I buy. So the poll I present to you: CD-ROM, or Hard drive? I'll get both eventually, but I'm not sure which to go with first.
Flip a coin.....a FAT one!
Personally, I'd go for the new HDD, but that's just me. I'd rather have everything on one disk, than on two.
Problem solved.
That leaves me with one or the other, or it would. I just browsed, and it looks like I'll be able to squeak by with:
52x CD-ROM
20gig IDE hard drive
and a bonus! 128mb DDR SDRAM.