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Topic: My first Naggy raid.
Freschel Spindrift
posted 11-09-2001 07:04:00 AM
It's like waiting for a turn on a popular rollercoaster. You wait for two hours for a five minute thrill. BTW it was a bust, I got feared 10 times before Naggy used me as an after dinner mint.

The score Naggy 45, peeps 0.

Who's that crazy kook that's destroying the world. It's Zorc (That's me) It's Zorc and Pals.
Bakura: Did you forget our anniversary, again? (laughter)
Zorc: Yes, I was busy destroying the world (laughter) Slaughtering millions. (Laughter)
Bakura: That's my Zorc.
The blood of the innocents will flow without end. His name is Zorc, and he's destroying the world.
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 11-09-2001 07:10:00 AM
hehe, reminds me of the day my friend quit EQ. The final straw came during a Fear raid on Rallos Zek.

5 hours of planning in the chatrooms..

hit the zone..30 seconds to wipeout.

5 hours of planning wiped out in 1/2 a minute. "This is what I have to look forward to?" /sit , /camp, cancel account. lv 47 gnome warrior named Goobis. He hasnt been back to the game since then, almost a year ago

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 11-09-2001 07:12:00 AM
My first Naggy raid completely owned. Waited 2 hours to get it started, but when it finally did it owned.

Some dork forgot to camp out before we charged. Result? ~75% of the casters and healers dead. BEFORE 15 SECONDS HAD PASSED. Anyway, we got him to 5%, at which point basicly just my group and naked casters were left . I see my HPs drop to nothing...ok, it's over i guess..."Your pact has been fulfilled!". "You have slain Lord Nagafen. You gain experience!". Sadly, i didn't win the CoF

Sorry your first raid on Lord Nagster didn't own as much as mine

Elander Sai
posted 11-09-2001 07:18:00 AM
Heh sorry to hear you didnt kill him , but yes my first dragon raid whas naggy aswell , whas lots of fun
Everything is possible for him who believes

Lvl 56 Shaman Uugh
Lvl 54 Warrior Elander
Lvl 51 Necro Azgarathe
Lvl 48 Ranger Faed
Lvl 31 Monk Rashaka

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