Shoots large phalli at our hero, which cause him to shink away in disgust. Of course, if touched by one, he immediately goes into a coma. [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Solstyce ]
He blinks around the room, showing up in odd places. When he gets low on health, he creates more images of himself. His weapon is a long, narrow line that ricochets off of walls.
Protoman > Megaman [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Otku ]
Originally posted by Solstyce:
Phallus Man.
Don't ask me who he is or what he does. Just something I did a few months ago while I was bored at college.
Edit: Yes I was too lazy to darken lines before scanning [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Guardian Azymyth ]
and he ... YEP YOU GOT IT! Flings poo
Originally posted by Elvish Crack Piper:
...and thrown bags of drugs?
No wonder why you call yourself "Elvish Crack Piper".
Uses focuses bursts of sound as his main attack, which have a small splash radius when they strike walls
Sometimes emits a long standing wave of sound, distorting the walls and background and reversing your directions for a short time
Able to create a sonic shield around himself, reflecting any shots away
He scrambles X's (X > Mega man) head by throwing out uncomprehensable phrases!
ldm: u \/\/1ll d13 ><, j00 r 0b50l373
X: Uhhhh *crack fizzle expload into a bunch of white bubbles*
If you don't know, don't ask
Throws forks around the room, apparently!
For MegaMan:
Another MegaMan! Doc Wily just copies the blueprints to make an evil MegaMan. While the real one is out kicking ass, the evil one goes to Dr Light's lab and wipes out MegaMan's support crew. Then, they can both fight with various powers.
For X (and Zero):
Velocity Ram: A robotic ram-person. He zooms across the room, and headbutts the hero. Said hero then pinballs around the room for a few seconds, while Ram stands there and laughs.
Fire Cat: Female robotic cat-person that has fire claws. Also sends out little robo-kittens. If the robo-kitten touches you, it clings (just like a real kitten), then blows up. Call those "Kitty-Kitty Bang-Bang"
He has the ultimate ability to be a virus that enters your HEAD! He gets inside MegaMan's head and makes him say bad things like 'Fuck you bastard!'
The opponent it would kill would be
Jumps around in the room, throwing rubber ducks. Occasionaly stops up on the floor and uses whine. (Invincible/hurts MegaMan if nearby kind of thing)
quote:Chitty-chitty-bang-bang, chitty-chitty-bang-bang, Chitty-chitty-bang-bang we love you!
Originally posted by ChibiDragon:
"Kitty-Kitty Bang-Bang"
Shell Man. Water stage. Normally will float around the screen in a ball, firing out spikes in one of the standard 8 directions. Invulnerable in this state. Occasionally comes to a rest on the ground to throw his shell at you, hard to dodge, but it makes him very vulnerable (IE : dies from 10 hits with normal arm cannon shots, assuming the shots can hit him and not bounce off his shield).
X series :
Hawkeye. Winged sharpshooter. Has two modes, onscreen and behindscreen (Think of Overdrive Ostrich). When behindscreen, Hawkeye appears on the horizon, and X will see a crosshair slowly moving towards him at all times, if it touches him, he's hit. After a while of dodging the crosshair, Hawkeye will show up himself. At first, he'll fly overhead shooting out slow-turning homing missiles, but after X deals enough damage, Hawkeye drops to the ground and fires horizontal laser shots, while dashing back and forth to collide and cause damage. Air-dashing is about the only way to avoid Hawkeye's dash.
Get back to work
quote:Dr. Robotnik! Not Eggman! GRR!!
Originally posted by Kennatsu:
Egg Man!
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums
You'd have to be pretty old to remember this amoral, devious creature of a man.
The best character was Prince Acroyear though, he was just bad ass.
Kanid had this to say about Robocop:
The ultimate villain: BARON KARZAYou'd have to be pretty old to remember this amoral, devious creature of a man.
I was just thinking that they would all make great characters in a FPS game. Especially Marionette. [ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Kanid ]
Kanid had this to say about Robocop:
What's that picture from?!?
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2
Old, ooooold, game.. but still fun as hell
A giant sumo wrestler robot. No stage before the fight. He jumps around, trying to hit MegaMan with his ass. He's invincible. The only way to win is to get him to jump out of the ring, where he spontaneously explodes.
Impales people, 'nuff said.
Guardian of the Angst-ridden Poet Basement Level, Goth Man strikes with floating candelabras, puddles of mime paint, and throws about hardback volumes of Anne Rice. The only weapon known to stop Goth Man is the Jack Chick Bible Tract (Captured from Southern Baptist Man), which forces Goth Man and his Bad Poet Legion to abscond the level in terror.