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1 Zang! (post #21) 2003-09-25 15:18:29
Skulking out of the plains, swinging a sharpened screwdriver, cometh Pacifica! And she gives a vengeful cry:"I'm going to spank you into the fourth dimension!!"Eh.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
2 Damn you, Lyinar! (post #84) 2003-03-18 01:18:44
Poor JooJooFlop...If he'd seen the bit about the Ogre Bathing Seminar, he might not have been so quick to hide in my laundry hamper.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
3 Damn you, Lyinar! (post #82) 2003-03-18 00:23:17
Tell Rhiannah? No, I haven't spoken to her in some time. My duties as a healer have kept me quite busy. Here - look at my appointment agenda on the wall there...* points to a whiteboard on the wall...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
4 Damn you, Lyinar! (post #80) 2003-03-17 20:52:05
OOC: I have a house, too? Cool!IC: Oh dear... that better not be Malbi again.* grabs her Centi Warhammer and opens the front doorListen, you overstimulated little piece of...* blink blinkOh, Lyinar! ...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
5 Damn you, Lyinar! (post #67) 2003-03-17 03:00:58
You sure it's only two? I could have sworn I counted...... never mind.OOC: Someone wanna fill me/us/whatever we did before we get murdered?IC: Quick, Mightion! Toss some of those Patty Melts at her!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
6 WOOHOO! (post #14) 2002-11-02 19:23:00
* rifles through her bank slotsHEY! Where'd my copy of Celestial Healing go?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
7 I did it hard, and i did it good. (post #5) 2002-09-24 13:12:06
194 here.196 if I wear the CCS. See below.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
8 KEI, 25, and a question. (post #15) 2002-09-17 19:03:24
Uh.... that doesn't look much like me...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
9 Lashanna or Kloie! (post #14) 2002-09-02 21:07:54
Ah, but at least the mob is that much closer to dead for your efforts.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
10 Lashanna or Kloie! (post #3) 2002-09-02 20:19:08
At least wizards get to blow stuff up.I get to stay sitting and watch people's health bars, though I never had a problem with them begging for heals.Never have trouble getting a group, though.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
11 Post your magelo! :) (post #15) 2002-08-08 14:49:12
Might as well show this char's too...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
12 1 to 29 in only 10 months... (post #1) 2002-07-07 22:24:39
I imagine Ja'Deth will be making a pants-based comment shortly. But in the meantime, my Magelo has been updated.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
13 Hey, you! (post #24) 2002-06-30 01:01:19
You're all lunatics.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
14 Testing... (post #0) 2002-06-02 22:12:25
Just testing Magelo here...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
15 Suchii!!!#$ (post #35) 2002-04-11 09:24:30
I guess some people just can't deal.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
16 Celestial Remedy (post #8) 2002-04-06 14:28:18
It would be a lot more useful if it didn't take 190 mana. Or if it healed a lot more. Or was a mana sieve like my brother's Thunder of Karana spell.Wait, scratch that last one....

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
17 Why oh why oh why... (post #7) 2002-03-22 12:52:14
They chafe just like chainmail too.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
18 Patch Day! (post #14) 2002-03-19 22:19:10
Update:Well, it appears they got the tinting fix working almost completely; as evidenced by this shot:Looks like I had my throat cut.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
19 One thing guys should worry about when playing a girl in an MMORPG... (post #10) 2002-03-19 09:27:14
You're learning this NOW, Kenn?I haven't been hit on lately... must fix that.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
20 The Shiny Fortress of Goodness (post #18) 2002-03-12 18:49:56
I'm not about to speak ill of my brother's smithing skills - he made me this shiny red suit of armor.* poses [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: Pacifica ]

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
21 The Shiny Fortress of Goodness (post #15) 2002-03-12 18:46:21
I don't live with my brother, you headless... thing. Tried for a while, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to sleep on nights when he had the Knights of Truth over for karaoke practice.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
22 Kloie! (post #3) 2002-03-06 15:36:18

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
23 My thread to make sure my girls uploaded correctly, so :P (post #15) 2002-02-26 18:26:04
Darn, that was annoying.Ack... I hate MS Photo Editor!I'll wait until I get home...[ 02-26-2002: Message edited by: Pacifica ]

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
24 Dear Mennix (post #6) 2002-02-22 12:23:03
You better hope it gets answered, dear brother.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
25 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #97) 2002-02-15 20:06:33
Hmph. I just had to be less goody-goody than my brother.No humor potential in my predilection for head to toe rubicite red armor?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
26 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #94) 2002-02-15 19:36:34
No weapons, no clubs, no threats, no spells. No paladin brother ready to dote out force.Just a simple, sincere, request.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
27 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #92) 2002-02-15 19:30:29
You seem to have forgotten my propensity to ventilate the craniums of people who annoy me. Like Malbi.But still. I'm asking nicely. Please?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
28 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #89) 2002-02-15 19:11:25
I never thought it would come to this...* walks up to Ja'DethJa'Deth, I'm asking nicely. Will you PLEASE stop insinuating that I continually walk around without pants? Please?* looks as sincere as a...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
29 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #80) 2002-02-15 16:51:38
Lyinar.... he thought about it again....

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
30 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #76) 2002-02-15 14:49:02
I doubt it... ever sit down wearing those?Leather padding is where it's at!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
31 AH'Kiem...or however the hell you spell your name (post #73) 2002-02-15 13:43:51
Panties?Just wear red fine plate greaves like I do.* glares at Ja'DethDon't even THINK it.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
32 Ahem! (post #74) 2002-02-05 15:13:38
OOC: Oh, bite me. I originally put "by default" but that didn't seem appropriate, so I changed "default" to "logically" and forgot to delete the "by." </ooc>Gee, Mr. Deth.... I delivered your...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
33 Ahem! (post #70) 2002-02-05 14:56:12
Well, no one's asked me which side I should go with. I'd probably go with Mightion, since by logically I'm Kloie's sister. You can keep Malbi, by the way. He has run out of amusement value.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
34 Ahem! (post #66) 2002-02-05 14:46:24
You'll also get serval scalp lacerations.I belong to whom I choose. I have chosen no one again yet.I sure as heck haven't chosen Malbi.My mace is still spiky.I am wearing pants.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
35 Cleric epic changed. No joke. (post #51) 2002-01-23 13:00:04
How about 16?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
36 Cleric twinkage info? (post #8) 2002-01-22 17:58:21
* sighs and shakes her headI do agree with the pantsless dwarves... that would be bad.Continually assuming I don't wear pants in public might be bad as well...Skin has no AC, remember?

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
37 Fashion Show! (post #6) 2002-01-15 21:34:11
I'll pass.That reminds me; I need a new set of luggage made...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
38 I made a cleric! Check it out! (post #7) 2002-01-13 11:52:42
I'm cuter.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
39 Brad McQuaid and Jeff Butler form development company. (post #50) 2002-01-11 09:00:08
At least they fixed it so mine don't flash in my face when wearing plate.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
40 Hey Deth! (post #13) 2002-01-10 13:46:09
/me raises her mace above the HTM's "head"This is for my nails!* THUNK *

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
41 Kennatsu, Zephyer, Ukko, Mightion, Falaanla, Cadga! (post #55) 2002-01-08 17:00:38
* regains her balanceHey! Hands off the armor!* wipes Ja'Deth's finger prints off her armor

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
42 Kennatsu, Zephyer, Ukko, Mightion, Falaanla, Cadga! (post #53) 2002-01-08 16:52:50
And spiky maces?* raises her mace above her head

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
43 Kennatsu, Zephyer, Ukko, Mightion, Falaanla, Cadga! (post #50) 2002-01-08 11:21:26
You never seem to DO anything with the samples you take from us...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
44 It never pays... (post #0) 2002-01-07 23:19:33
...to get too close to a GM event featuring a mad gnome, even if you don't do anything because he's red to you...I soon found myself nuked for 170 and 217, and stabbed for 93. The 217 finished me off...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
45 Diss the person above you! (post #111) 2002-01-07 11:30:04
Makes unsuspecting women feel the compulsion to... file their nails.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
46 Things to Never Confuse in Evercrest (post #28) 2002-01-06 19:19:55
Uh... brain fade here... I'm sure if I'd ever tried to club you I'd have ended you a charred piece of carbon.

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
47 Ladies of the 'Crest! (post #123) 2002-01-04 23:31:36
* looks at her nailsMy nails have never felt so... alive before...One good thing about this HTM juice.<< Uh, am I still being restained in this bathrobe by this monster? >>

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
48 Ladies of the 'Crest! (post #110) 2002-01-04 21:42:26
Well, if you shoud get a moment, I'd appreciate it.And what's with these robes, anyway? They're AC 1, CHA + 50, and no other stats!

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
49 Ladies of the 'Crest! (post #106) 2002-01-04 21:21:34
* kicks and writhes trying to free herselfNever! You'll never make me file my nails again!* me calls out to the other femalesA little help here, if you'd be so kind...

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute
50 Ladies of the 'Crest! (post #100) 2002-01-04 21:03:14
* finally gets her nails filed to her satisfaction and goes over to beat HTM with her maceMake ME file my nails, will you....

Innoruuk's House of Ill Repute

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