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Topic: Well...I didn't see this one coming
posted 10-20-2007 11:47:09 AM
The Imp
posted 10-20-2007 11:51:15 AM
And a spokesman for gay rights group Stonewall added: "It's great that JK has said this. It shows that there's no limit to what gay and lesbian people can do, even being a wizard headmaster."
posted 10-20-2007 11:52:58 AM
"Oh, my god," Rowling, 42, concluded with a laugh, "the fan fiction".

She's a bit behind the times.

posted 10-20-2007 11:53:07 AM
So, did she just pull that bit of info out of her ass on the spot, or what?
posted 10-20-2007 12:12:48 PM
It's pretty ridiculous to try and put any belief into anything she says anymore. I'm not trying to go all tinfoil here, but come on. Anything and everything she's said for the past four years cannot be anything but carefully planned marketing.
Mr. Gainsborough
posted 10-20-2007 12:43:47 PM
Not Much Fun Anymore
posted 10-20-2007 12:46:36 PM
Ya know, its almost like she's one of those rare authors who wrote a book that was beloved by a generation and is now milking it for all its worth.
"France tried to turtle, but Hitler did a tank rush before they were ready. Just shows how horribly unbalanced real life is. They should release a patch."
Steven Steve
posted 10-20-2007 12:51:25 PM
Hunt outs Harry Potter fans as gay
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

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